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Search results for "social media"

Business News

After acquiring SocialBios in 2011, has now launched their HyperSocial Connections tool which shows consumers who they have in common with any agent...

Social Media

Social sharing bar, TurnSocial promised last year to add a professional version which they have finally unveiled in the form of creative, non-invasive lead...

Social Media

As overwhelming as managing social networks can be, FanMix has entered the fray to pull your networks together into your Gmail in an easy...


Making the impulse to give a reality Imagine you were able to give a virtual gift to a potential client you’ve just met, or...

Business Entrepreneur

The long term of LivingSocial The above video between Fox News’ Chris Wallace and LivingSocial’s CEO, Tim O’Shaughnessy is a fascinating back and forth...

Business Entrepreneur

Women Entrepreneurs of the Web Without much fanfare, and so far, no press, Google has launched “Women Entrepreneurs on the Web,” a community they...

Social Media

New social network for private groups What would happen if you combined Pinterest’s sharing features, Facebook’s commenting system, Path’s theory of a small private...

Social Media

Social networking is the top online activity According to comScore, social networking use now leads as the top online activity globally, accounting for 1...

Social Media

Digital measurement terminology With the growth of digital and social marketing, there seems to be a proliferation of terms and names for metrics that...

Social Media

Gorgeous interactive polls Our new favorite tool is Quipol, a new, beautiful site that requires no tech savvy to set up a multimedia poll...

Social Media

Interactive infographic site Although not as simple as a standard infographic,, the social platform atlas has provided an interactive infographic diving very deeply...

Social Media

Applying political views to business According to a recent survey of 500 Americans, more than one in three people have changed their opinion...

Social Media

A different take on social media is a social network that takes technology and design of 2011 and mixes it with the free...


What is a location based service? Mobile and social apps are increasingly designed to have a “check in” feature based on GPS technologies, like...

Social Media

Most Americans now influenced by the web As we reported in August, one in three American adults claim that they give advice about purchases...

Social Media

New network launches The trend of years past was to launch a social network and go global with people from all walks of life...

Social Media

Major challenge for digital media A major challenge for any professional using social networking sites and blogs is that consumers have multiple locations where...

Social Media

Brands remain unresponsive Despite the rise of brand ambassadors, company evangelists and social media gurus running major brand campaigns, almost all brands are ignoring...

Social Media

A Basic Misunderstanding In certain social media circles, there’s the belief that social media is far better for marketing purposes than traditional media because...

Business Marketing

2011 SAMMY Awards The 2011 Social Advertising, Media and Marketing (SAMMY) Awards were presented to a variety of individuals and companies for “breakthrough achievements”...

Social Media

New research on perceived peer influence New research from the HP Labs reveals that shopping habits are influenced by peers online just as they...

Social Media

Posterous’ growth Since the launch of Posterous, we have reported on their easy to use mobile apps, browser extensions, domain registration directly from their...

Social Media

Location based services More than one in four American adults now use social location-based services (LBS) of some kind, showing a rise in adoption...

Social Media

Social networks as super heroes In a new graphic by British design company Freestyle Interactive, the major social networks are compared to super heroes...

Social Media

The social media effect While some speculate that using the web as a means of connecting with others devalues real life connections, a new...

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