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Search results for "NAR"

Business Marketing

If I was truly a genius, I would have more facility with Excel and understand statistics better. But I’m not, so my clients have...

Opinion Editorials

When a house goes up for sale, the troops line up. There’s checklists to follow. Everything is done in order. As it’s done, it...

Business Marketing

The cool thing about lawyers is that even though they compete with one another, they understand the basic reality that business is there for...

Opinion Editorials

Yesterday I was in the midst of the particular hell known as the Costco roadshow, standing a few feet away from some fairly horrible...

Economic News

I hear Zillow is venturing into the mortgage world. Zillow insiders have told me that while they can’t divulge the details they have an...

Economic News

In the great long food chain that is real estate, agents sit at the top. The mortgage loan officer sits right underneath with a...

Opinion Editorials

Lani busted me. I put this post on my site and then pulled it when I thought it might be a little much for...

Business Marketing

The theme had come up once at one of my office sales meetings and today again at lunch. Says one title company’s account executive,...

Housing News

We just got word on Fox News that Scripps Ranch, home of our close friends and fellow Realtors, Kris & Steve Berg has recently...

Social Media

This week in our website redesign saga, we try to answer the question: Who are these people and what do they want from me...

Social Media

There’s been speculation over the past few days about what may come out of the NAR Convention next month in terms of “blogging compliance.”...

Business Marketing

Has the poor reputation of the real estate industry created the consumers’ insatiable need for knowledge and information about buying and selling homes? I...

Business Marketing

You don’t have to be a genius to understand the simplicity of logic presented by Russell Shaw’s post about Before I get going,...

Business Marketing

And probably no more real estate talk here than I do over at my place. HA! Blogger Formally Known as “He who’s name must...

Housing News

Our former site & the request by NAR to c&d use of the domain got a bit of attention yesterday around the blog world,...

Business Marketing

At first glance, Ditech came up with a pretty far out campaign to support their television web2.0 rebrand. But when it comes time to...

Business Marketing

Greg Swann had a really great point in this week’s Odysseus post regarding being able to answer questions in relation to your value. Hardcore...

Opinion Editorials

… watching real estate vc vultures fight over scraps is where the action reallyis, oh, and let’s not forget the subprime mini-series.  In my opinion...

Business Marketing

Over the past seven years, we’ve watched our nation become polarized on many political levels. Liberal or Conservative, we are a nation divided, and...

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