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A security guard in all black wearing a body camera and calling after a delinquent running away out of frame. A security guard in all black wearing a body camera and calling after a delinquent running away out of frame.

Business News

Shoplifting has become such a concern that body cameras are going to become standard for security in some of your favorite retailers.

A horse trainer leads a race horse across the lawn on overtime. A horse trainer leads a race horse across the lawn on overtime.

Business News

These thoroughbred horse trainers work overtime for horses that will run the Kentucky Derby, but their pay hasn't crossed the finish line.

A plate of pancakes with strawberry topping inside of a franchise restaurant with a tip pool, being picked apart with a fork. A plate of pancakes with strawberry topping inside of a franchise restaurant with a tip pool, being picked apart with a fork.

Business News

Employees are allowed to have a tip pool, but there's rules for its use, as this franchise owner found out from the Department of...

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