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Want top dollar? Avoid these plants & trees that lower home value

You don’t have to be a master gardener to know that curb appeal impacts a home sale – let’s talk about what to avoid.

Pathway outside of home with yard, plants, trees, and flowers

Curb appeal can add up to 14% to home value, according to a study published in the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. Some experts estimate landscape design can add up to 20% of a home’s value.

As you know, a well-maintained lawn, fresh mulch, and pops of color in a tidy garden increase a home’s value. Making a great first impression with beautiful landscaping has always pulled buyers in. To keep the momentum going, folks work hard to add the right plants and trees to yards.

But some vegetation has a negative connotation and can pull down the value of a home.

First up, invasive species are organisms, both plants, and animals, that are introduced to a new environment and have a negative impact. In a landscape, invasive plants can grow quickly, but they can suffocate the native plants that are better for the environment.

Many states have guides regarding what is invasive – for example, the Texas Department of Agriculture publishes a list of invasive plant species to avoid.

The Arbor Day Foundation provides some statistics on trees on a home’s value.

Large trees in yards can increase a home’s value by 3 to 15%. Too many trees can lower curb appeal, though.

Trees close to the home present a risk of storm damage. Too many trees can make a yard appear smaller and cluttered. Homeowners who are looking for open space for the kids to play may pass by a house.

Finally, fruit trees can be problematic. They’re messy and bring bees, wasps, and other pests to yards. Some love that, some hate that.

Plants not suited to the garden beds impact a home’s value.

Different plants need different requirements for sun, shade, and water. As an example, Cenizo (aka Texas Sage), loves hot temperatures and full sun. Plant it in a shady section and it may wither.

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Choose plants that fit the garden. Have the soil tested to make sure the plants and trees can thrive. It’s less maintenance, and when it’s time to sell, there’s less worry about curb appeal.

Dawn Brotherton is a Sr. Staff Writer at The American Genius with an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Central Oklahoma. She is an experienced business writer with over 10 years of experience in SEO and content creation. Since 2017, she has earned $60K+ in grant writing for a local community center, which assists disadvantaged adults in the area.


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