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Popular Austin startup gets into the real estate education game [exclusive]

(TECH NEWS) This education platform aims to make learning exciting rather than a tiresome experience. And it just might become the best new way to keep your real estate skills sharp.

aceable real estate education aceagent

An Ace in the sleeve

Looks like Austin’s go-to driver’s ed and defensive driving company Aceable is getting into the real estate education game and they’re quietly launching AceableAgent.

Around Austin, Texas, Aceable is known for its innovative take on driver’s education. Founded in 2013, Aceable has been, in their own words, “reinventing required learning.” They offer state approved online courses and even have a mobile app.

Although they are based in Austin, Aceable offers courses for those in California, Ohio, Florida, and Illinois as well and there is no word yet as to where real estate education will be offered. Their mobile-first courses are ridiculously affordable, all coming in at significantly below one hundred dollars per course. I wish I could have been taught by memes rather than high school football coaches at a school I didn’t even attend.

More funding, more reach

Now Aceable is shaking up the game again, branching out to real estate education. According to Xconomy, Aceable raised four million dollars in their 2016 Series A round of funding.

The company earned 8.7 million overall in the campaign led by investors Silverton Partners in Austin and Floodgate in California.

They plan to expand their market to other states as well as different areas of education, including real estate, nursing, food safety, and human resources.

Bringing relevance back

Founder and CEO Blake Garrett said, “The number one complaint we hear from professionals in the fields that we’re exploring is that course content is boring at best—and irrelevant at worst.”

[clickToTweet tweet=”This new platform aims to make learning exciting rather than a tiresome experience.” quote=”Their platform aims to make learning exciting rather than a tiresome experience.”]

Aceable looks at how people are currently using technology and create programs that mirror our natural inclinations.

Their expansion into other markets could be revolutionary for those who are unable to attend traditional on-site training classes due to disability, scheduling conflicts, or lack of transportation. And perhaps their inexpensive mobile-first approach to driver’s ed will translate to real estate and compete with some of the outdated options.

Someone to watch

In the real estate world, Aceable has been quietly operating as AcebleAgent for about a week now.

If their success in the driver’s ed market is any indication, Aceable will likely become a frontrunner for alternative licensing programs.

While online training and app-based learning certainly can’t completely replace the merits of instructor-based learning, Aceable is forging a new path when it comes to alternative education programs.

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Written By

Lindsay is an editor for The American Genius with a Communication Studies degree and English minor from Southwestern University. Lindsay is interested in social interactions across and through various media, particularly television, and will gladly hyper-analyze cartoons and comics with anyone, cats included.


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