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Standuply app runs team meetings for you

(TECH NEWS) Be gone with time sucking meetings and still get valuable feedback from your team with Standuply.


Stand up meetings, say what?

Standuply is a new app that runs standup meetings for you so no one has to get out of their chairs. The bot is programmed by your admins and managers, and can send out interview questions to a team in Slack and get feedback. Managers can ask “What did you work on yesterday?” or “Are you coming up against any obstacles?”, then the results of the survey are published in Slack and Trello so the team can check them out and modify their trajectory if necessary.


Standuply claims they can save 40 “man days” a year in long-winded meetings. That’s if you use Standuply every day, which the Standuply team itself does not.

The bot is basically a Slack / Survey Monkey hybrid. Not only can managers poll their team about work flow issues and progress, a lot can be managed on the administrative side. What do you want for lunch? Do you need any office supplies? Do you think we should upgrade our coffee maker?

Responses required (from everyone)

Sure these things can be done in an e-mail, but you won’t get great results. People will just ignore you, or forget the question, and you’ll never get a response.

Standuply requires a response within a prescribed time period, and sends reminder messages that get your team moving.

Standuply provides a space for everyone to voice their opinions, even the shy types who don’t want to share their honest opinions in large groups. The app can also help manage the work flow of remote teams and get everyone involved in the conversation.

No wrong way to Standuply

The Standuply office uses the bot to gauge office temperaments by sending out a survey every Friday to see how everyone is feeling. On top of the world? Or maybe like everything is upside down? This helps mitigate any problems before they become disasters, and can help managers stay on top of office morale in a discreet way.

The Standuply team uses their bot on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and have real standup meetings on Fridays. The bot, they say, could never replace face to face communication, but it helps avoid time consuming meetings and increases interoffice communiqué.

You can try the beta version right now for free to see if the app is a good fit for your team.


Written By

C. L. Brenton is a staff writer at The American Genius. She loves writing about all things, she’s even won some contests doing it! For everything C. L. check out her website


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