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Tap That App finds your colleagues’ favorite productivity apps

(MARKETING NEWS) Tapp That App is not just a fun and informative user experience, it is an app developer’s dream.

tap that app

Apps are like books – there are so many out there that a friend’s recommendation can really help you narrow down the choices. Personally, I get totally overwhelmed in a library or bookstore. There are literally millions of books to choose from, and you can only rely on the critics’ reviews printed on the backside, or on a snap judgement of the cover, to make you choice.

That’s why I always ask friends to recommend their favorite books – it’s just easier to navigate the endless options with a trusted opinion to guide you.

Find apps your friends love

An app store can be likewise overwhelming. You can rely on anonymous reviews and star ratings, but the truth is, you want to use the same apps your friends are using, especially if those apps are community-based or interactive. After all, when you download Words with Friends, you want a friend to play it with!

Tapp That App is a new app for app lovers.

It’s a way to “find the apps your friends love to tap.”

By linking with your Twitter account, you can see the favorite apps of the friends, family, and celebrities that you follow on Twitter.

Using Tapp That App is like getting a sneak peek into your friends’ phones. You can see their apps, laid just like their home screen, with their chosen background image.

Of course, users have control over which apps they want to share and recommend.

Simply choose your favorites from your app list, and your friends will be able to see your top picks. The Popular Apps board also shows you which apps are trending amongst your contacts.

Android and Twitter, let’s roll

Right now, Tapp That App is only available for Android, but they are working on a release for iOS. You also need a Twitter account to use the app, but the company hopes to eventually allow users to connect through their Facebook or Google Plus accounts.

This app is also, as you might imagine, a very handy tool for app developers. From Tapp That App’s website:

Tapp That App is not just a fun and informative user experience, it is an App developer’s dream: the hardest part for an App rollout is showing people there are other users, that communities can and will pop up, and simply getting the word out. Tapp That App solves all of these problems for a developer by being able to track in real time the birth and growth of your app’s use by its most enthusiastic users: those who want others to know they use it and who wish more people did.


Ellen Vessels, a Staff Writer at The American Genius, is respected for their wide range of work, with a focus on generational marketing and business trends. Ellen is also a performance artist when not writing, and has a passion for sustainability, social justice, and the arts.


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