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Search results for "entrepreneur"

president obama president obama

Economic News

After two years of existence, Obama's Jobs Council winds down today, which is drawing fire from critics and clarity from supporters, as the timing...

qwiqq qwiqq

Social Media

Qwiqq social commerce app gave AGBeat a sneak peek at new features they are about to launch, which makes online retail a million percent...

startup hiring startup hiring

Business Entrepreneur

Hiring practices are more than just asking droll questions of potential hires, just ask any successful startup. Their methods are often experimental, but typically...

tax bill silicon tax bill silicon

Business Finance

A recent lawsuit ended in California sending capital gains tax bills to companies dating back five years, even though companies had counted on the...

veterans veterans

Business Finance

At the end of 2012, many tax credits were set to expire, but with continued negotiations, a handful were extended through 2013, giving small...

Business News was launched by a business professional who saw the need for a review database of clients, turning the Yelp model on its head.

jk jk

Business Finance

Prosper's online community matches small businesses with peer-to-peer lending, opening up new borrowing opportunities that are void of all of the traditional red tape.

quirky quirky

Business Entrepreneur

Quirky is an online community for inventors, where an idea can blossom from ideation, design, naming, manufacturing, marketing, right on through to sales.

Commercial Real Estate

When you think of coffee, you probably think of a large Starbucks where people are meeting all day, but the Canadians can boast the...

venture capital venture capital

Business Finance

Harvard has a creative venture capital fund set up, called the "Experiment Fund" which could show other universities how to operate this type of...

cash cryptocurrency cash cryptocurrency

Business Finance

Paying yourself as a small business owner is tricky, and determining whether you should eat Ramen or wear a Rolex can be tough.

Business Finance

We all know it's a good idea to have personal savings, but have you considered how much your business needs in cash reserves, and...

Business Leader Jeet Banerjee Business Leader Jeet Banerjee

Business Entrepreneur

In our continuing business leader showcase, we talk today with a very talented young man who at age 20 is an established entrepreneur working...

indiegogo indiegogo

Business Finance

As crowdfunding becomes a more recognized business funding option, we are watching to see how the field is shaping up, and Indiegogo's success in...

intermix intermix

Business News

With Gap's announcement that they will buy Intermix for $130 million, it spells a unique partnership that serves as inspiration for budding new retailers...

food startup accelerator food startup accelerator

Business Entrepreneur

Tech companies have long been offered startup accelerator programs, but with the rise of the foodie nation, food startup accelerators are now available to...

business succession plan business succession plan

Business Finance

Starting a new business is exciting and filled with dreams, but building an actual business plan can be daunting. That's where the Enloop business...

icic icic

Business Finance

Inner city businesses receive 20 to 50 percent less funding, so Bank of America has stepped in to bridge the divide.

Chinese laws Chinese laws

Business Entrepreneur

New Chinese laws can impact companies that do business internationally, while providing new investment opportunities for Americans looking to invest in promising industries.

business succession plan business succession plan

Business Entrepreneur

Every small business has unique challenges, but the economy, consumers, and your own planning (or lack thereof) can throw you curve balls - here...

money-savings money-savings

Business Articles

Cash is the bottom line of any business, so grooming your business finances is an obviously good idea, but one often overlooked in lieu...

partner rent partner rent

Business Entrepreneur is in early beta, matching vendors with existing retail space, be it a small shelf, a wall, or even an entire space for...

business leaders business leaders

Business Articles

Business leaders are an amazing source of inspiration for any professional, whether entry level or CEO. There's always something to learn, so let's look...

funding funding

Business Articles

Whether you have a good idea or are already up and running, small business funding can improve your chances of success, and the options...

stand out stand out

Business Entrepreneur

It isn't easy for businesses to stand out, whether online or offline, but 2013 could be the year of your breakthrough, but it will...

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