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Quora adds offsite buttons for following people and topics

Quora’s new buttons

Q&A community, Quora announced today their newest batch of features, including the “Quora Follow Button” which they say will help users discover other Quora users from outside of the Quora ecosystem, discovering them through others’ blogs and websites.

Users can now embed a follow button on their personal website or blog and like a Facebook or Twitter button, users can follow other Quora users. There have been several buttons out there, mostly hand made, but this is the first official button released from Quora.

To get the button, go to or click “Create a Follow Button” on your profile. It is available in a light or dark version and when a Quora user clicks the button on your site, they will immediately be following you.

The more interesting news

At Quora, the emphasis is on the questions, the data, the conversation, so it is no surprise that in their button release, it isn’t just about following other users, but they have created the option to make a “Follow Button” for any topic to be embedded on your blog or website.

If you have demonstrated a deep expertise and frequent use in a particular topic, share that topic on your website or blog’s sidebar where people can see you in the real world discussing your area of expertise. If you’re a Realtor, you can put a “real estate investing” topic button or “1031 exchange” topic button, or “first time home buyers” topic button. Retailers can put a “fashionistas” topic button or “marketing trends” topic button. Social media consultants can add a “social media marketing” topic button or “twitter” topic button, all pointing to all activity in the topic, which hopefully they are active in.

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Quora continues to grow and says their mission is to help Quora users to better connect with each other which ultimately increases interactions within their community which is good for them in terms of traffic, but good for the community in terms of more, and hopefully better information.

Lani is the COO and News Director at The American Genius, has co-authored a book, co-founded BASHH, Austin Digital Jobs, Remote Digital Jobs, and is a seasoned business writer and editorialist with a penchant for the irreverent.


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