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Linkredirector: URL shortener, send people to multiple URLs

(Tech News) Linkredirector is a cloud-service offering a way to link information across multiple platforms.



Linkredirector is quite an interesting URL shortener

Shortened links give us the ability to include more information in less space, especially in SMS and Tweets, where you have a limited amount of space to get across the maximum amount of information regarding your business. If you need to send several different clients to several different areas of your site, shortening links can become tiresome and confusing if you are trying to send on-the-go. A new app, Linkredirector, helps eliminate the need to use different links for different things.

With Linkredirector, you simply create one dynamic short link and use it for multiple destinations, selecting the segments you wish to affect; like device, model, device vendor, OS, browser, and send customers exactly where you want them. No more changing a link, for each client, or as a result of each webpage update. You can change the destination of any link, at any time, without changing the actual link itself.

Not only is this less confusing, but also extremely helpful for print advertising, and promotional materials: now when you change destinations, you can continue to use the same advertising materials and maintain a consistent brand without breaking your budget on additional printing.

The secret ingredient is magic?

Once you create and begin using your shortened link, you can see a detailed breakdown of browser, OS, device model, country, referrer URL, and more. This data can also be imported into your analytics software for further evaluation. Use it to manage or monitor social networking: with the ability to track where the user is coming from, you can determine which social media marketing efforts are working best and where you need improvement. It is also helpful for linking apps across multiple stores: use one link and reroute your customers to the appropriate store. You can also redirect through QR codes. Linkredirector lets you have dynamic QR codes that can be updated at anytime eliminating the need to reprint ad campaigns because a URL has been updated.

How does it work? Linkredirector does not explicitly state, but it assure you that it is only “5% magic” I would be a bit more confident in this product, if I saw exactly how it does its “magic,” but in theory, this has quite a bit of potential, as a time saver and a marketing tool.

Bottom line: it’s a better management tool

Linkredirector gives you an easier way to manage acquisition versus retention because it has the ability to recognize new versus returning consumers. It gives you the power to differentiate where (to which URLs) new and returning users should be forwarded to, as well as, tracking how they reached your link. This allows you to explore new ways to engage your current users by creating retention specific campaigns, or exciting new customers using the same short URL, banner, or QR code, but sending them to a different starting webpage. This different page could contain specific sales for new customers, or a featured product encouraging them to buy. The app is not limited to only forwarding URLs. A short link can also open an email form, or call a phone number if it is supported.

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Linkredirector also gives you an easier way to conduct A/B testing: set up tests with different landing experiences for your links and better determine which ones produce positive results for your business and ideas. You can also choose to sticky flag so repeat users will follow the same path during A/B testing scenarios, which will give you a better overall picture of what is working, as well as, potentially reducing the amount of money you spend paying developers to route traffic exactly where you need it, since you can do it all from the app.

Linkredirector is free to try, with premium features available for a fee, but may be worth a look if you are trying to direct traffic to specific, or multiple destinations, without the hassle of managing multiple links.

Jennifer Walpole is a Senior Staff Writer at The American Genius and holds a Master's degree in English from the University of Oklahoma. She is a science fiction fanatic and enjoys writing way more than she should. She dreams of being a screenwriter and seeing her work on the big screen in Hollywood one day.

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