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If you want LinkedIn to be useful, here’s what works in 2023

LinkedIn can be a strange platform at times, but if you want your time there to yield results, here’s what works in 2023.

LinkedIn has long been both a benefactor and a victim of information bloat, with self-help articles and motivational speeches alike, failing to clarify strategies that actually improve users’ experiences and efficiency with the service. Heading into 2023, Buffer bypassed the chaff and went straight to the source for tips regarding best practices on LinkedIn.

Hien Mai, a member of the LinkedIn Product Marketing team, was Buffer’s point person in this conversation. Her role predominantly includes facilitating creator growth via simplified content creation and sharing, effectively moving the needle forward in the ever-proceeding tug-of-war that is the democratization of information.

Indeed, perhaps the most important question Mai addresses regards content creation and which types make sense on LinkedIn, positing that users should feel comfortable having conversations that feel “authentic” so that they mimic “real-life conversations in the workplace.”

Mai cites examples such as parents debating strategies for work and life balance, analysis of news items, and industry advice.

“We see LinkedIn as a place to have these conversations and a place where professionals come together to share information, ideas, and expertise with their connections,” writes Mai.

Mai also considers authenticity crucial to being perceived as “professional” on LinkedIn.

Despite being a social media hub in and of itself, a certain tenor is expected of LinkedIn users who expect to be taken seriously by potential clients and/or recruiters; this tone includes consistent use that shows a narrative of progress, from posting milestones to sharing personal growth.

“Professional growth and personal growth are very much intertwined,” writes Mai. “Conversations on LinkedIn should be about all of it.”

Mai even dispels some of the common mysteries of social media, pointing out that a user’s feed is most reflective of the people they follow and positing that the “best” time to post on LinkedIn varies according to one’s audience, though she does acknowledge that a balance between consistency and moderation is key: “Daily posting is optimal to maintain consistent engagement with your audience, but be sure not to overdo it and avoid overwhelming your audience.”

Hashtags also feature in Mai’s analysis, with her recommendation including “one to three” hashtags per post while warning that “low-quality” content that overuses hashtags may be hidden or blocked altogether by LinkedIn’s algorithm.

Whatever your purpose for using LinkedIn, it seems that authenticity and consistency are in for 2023.

Jack Lloyd has a BA in Creative Writing from Forest Grove's Pacific University; he spends his writing days using his degree to pursue semicolons, freelance writing and editing, oxford commas, and enough coffee to kill a bear. His infatuation with rain is matched only by his dry sense of humor.


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