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The best tool to organize your overabundance of open tabs

Like many digital workers today you probably have too many tabs open and can’t remember which is what – Stack can help organize them.

Stack tool on laptop that organizes tabs

Are you an Internet multitasker stuck with endless open tabs and windows? I’ll raise my hand, guilty. New smart browser Stack offers a solution to organize, increase productivity, and navigate the web efficiently.

True to its name, Stack allows users to “stack” browser windows by categories or projects, eliminating the need to scan through countless tabs.

While other apps just save the tabs you were using once you close them, Stack can show you what each tab actually is.

Users can manage emails, messengers, social media, and more from one place on one screen. The software gained traction on Product Hunt and thanks to feedback by users, has launched a version available on macOS and Windows.

Listed core features include:

  • Parallel Screen View – for efficient multitasking
  • Stacks – to sort your apps by types or projects
  • Sync – to have your workspace across multiple devices
  • Focus Mode – to stay concentrated
  • Multiple Accounts – for those who manage social media for others
  • Ghost Cards – to help you keep the clutter away

Put together, Stack intends to cut down on wasted time navigating between apps. Privacy is also taken into consideration as each app can run as a private session. The added benefit is in how Stack continues to listen to users to smooth out bugs, address issues, and overall improve the Internet browser experience.

A company blog offers tips on how to get the most out of the app. Including how to sign into multiple accounts for things like Dropbox, and Discord, helping you get more done!

Staff Writer, Allison Yano is an artist and writer based in LA. She holds a BFA in Applied Visual Arts and Minor in Writing from Oregon State University, and an MFA in Fine Art from Pratt Institute. Her waking hours are filled with an insatiable love of storytelling, science, and soy lattes.


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