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Search results for "social media"

google glass livestream google glass livestream

Social Media

(Social Media) Google Glass users will now be able to live broadcast with Livestream, so businesses better know what people can do with Glass...

iftttt iftttt

Social Media

(Social Media) IFTTT, one of our favorite web tools ever, has launched an iPad app, become location aware, and added collections.

bloglovin bloglovin

Social Media

(Social Media) Bloglovin is marketed as a tool for women and fashionistas, but any manly man or business woman can use it to beautifully...

google plus view count google plus view count

Social Media

(Social Media) Google+ has added a tricky little number to all users' profiles - know what it means and how to turn if off...

google nsa google nsa

Social Media

(Social Media) Google says that requests for user information from governments has increased 120% since 2009, so they're making their process and policies public...

facebook facebook

Social Media

(Social Media) Facebook has launched a new look for news feeds, which means new requirements for image sizes so that your pages don't look...

designed you designed you

Social Media

(Social Media) Designed You is not only a beautiful destination for your social media efforts with a single URL, but they're claiming that the...

selfie selfie

Social Media

(Social Media) Selfies are unavoidable, even for the non-teens of the world, and as a sign of the times, Apple has devoted an entire...

selfie selfie

Social Media

(Social Media) Selfies are a trend you can love or hate, but in some cities, it is more popular than others and marketers have...

facebook facebook

Social Media

(Social Media) Facebook and other social networks are home to endless venting sessions, but in one case, it cost a family $80,000. Ouch.

selfie nation selfie nation

Social Media

(Social Media) Selfies are so popular that they already have subcategories like "belfies," but smartphones are still used for email and calendars.

whatsapp whatsapp

Social Media

(Social Media) Although WhatsApp will remain a standalone app despite Facebook buying them for billions, some people don't trust Facebook and are quickly seeking...

Social Media

(Social Media) The Cardinals' pitcher has recently been flamed for "favoriting" porn pics on Twitter, but we bet that like many, he didn't know...

cuss words cuss words

Social Media

(Social Media) Cuss words on Twitter happen at twice the frequency as offline, but why? Is it men or women that are guilty here?

whatsapp acquired whatsapp acquired

Social Media

(Social Media) Facebook has acquired Whatsapp for a ton of dough, but why, and what does this mean for the two companies?

gossip gossip

Opinion Editorials

(Social Media) Facebook is a target of love and hate, but there is one problem Facebook introduces into the web ecosystem that hurts a...

facebook facebook

Social Media

(Social Media) Facebook has upset businesses by showing the status updates on their Pages to fewer people unless they pony up, but one vlogger...

revenge revenge

Social Media

(Social Media) When a restaurant owner is interviewed for allegations of discrimination, he tells a camera crew that he doesn't want "freaks" or "f**gots"...

twitter bio twitter bio

Social Media

(Social Media) Do you ever wonder where the Twitter "thought leaders" come up with the garbage in their bio? Here's a generator to help...

internet troll internet troll

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) The web is home to the best trolls in the world, and you're going to come across them. Here are some proven...

tumblr tumblr

Social Media

(Social Media) Yahoo-owned Tumblr has added @ mentions to their platform, finally allowing users to network effectively on the blogging service.

facebook facebook

Social Media

(Social Media) Facebook has made changes to their algorithm, but most businesses still have no idea why their Page is failing, and how Facebook...

shifu shifu

Social Media

(Social Media) Shifu is one of the smartest task management tools on the market today, intuitively knowing where you are and reminding you of...

google plus google plus

Social Media

(Social Media) After a heated restraining order, a man was jailed for his Google+ account inadvertently sending an invitation to his ex.

facebook facebook

Social Media

(Social Media) Facebook is in hot water for a major privacy breach, allegedly "liking" Facebook pages for you by mining links in your private...

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