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Search results for "social media"

WhatsApp WhatsApp

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) Listen up, marketers: It turns out that more people use WhatsApp than Facebook’s own messaging service.

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) Yahoo recently launched some of the first chatbots on the popular messenging platform, Kik. Now, they want to bring these bots...

snapchat snapchat

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) Snapchat today announced they are selectively rolling out a new feature today called Memories that will let you see, sort, and...

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Twitics is an extremely powerful deep Twitter analysis program that may revolutionize your Twitter ad campaigns forever.

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) - Twitter plays catchup by adding searchable stickers, but should anyone even care? Maybe.

facebook reactions facebook reactions

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) Now that we've had some time with Facebook's reaction buttons - are people actually using them? And why does it even...

netflix millar netflix millar

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) Netflix just sent a big cultural signal out to marketers everywhere; celebrities aren’t the only influencers you should be paying attention to...

robocalling robotics business robocalling robotics business

Social Media

Following in the footsteps of Facebook and other social media platforms, Yahoo becomes the first platform to launch chatbots on popular messenger, Kik.

Social Media

Looks like Facebook will continue to innovate at the intersection of social media and VR content.

twitter social media posts content twitter twitter social media posts content twitter

Social Media

As competition in the social media game is always increasing, the question remains how to accurately grow your Twitter following.

hamster pad hamster pad

Business News

Slack is pretty popular, but is it growing in ways that could make it the next big social media platform? Hamster Pad may have...

twitter twitter

Social Media

Twitter is a tough social media to dominate, but if you like robots and everything robots, there's a new startup that wants to help...

Opinion Editorials

Chrissy Teigen upset her social media followers when she went out on a date, with her husband. What was her crime? She left her...

square nfc reader square nfc reader

Business Finance

Facebook and Square just got busy, and it might be the best thing that to ever happen to marketing on social media.

Business News

The US Digital Service is rebuilding vast swaths of government social media platforms that quite plainly just didn’t make a lot of sense and...

instagram instagram

Opinion Editorials

More and more social media platforms are making changes to their services, from algorithms to terms of service. Here's what you need to know...

Social Media

If Instagram isn't part of your social media strategy, these growth stats might give you pause.

Social Media

Stats prove that native video on Facebook is the best performing type of status update, so the social media giant is here to help...

flip it selfie flip it selfie

Tech News

Selfies are still the measure by many a social media lover is judged. How do you take the perfect selfie? Selfie stick? Wireless remote?...

Social Media

More and more social media platforms are becoming a place to communicate quickly and emojis are one way people are communicating without using words.

Tech News

One of the newest services within the geolocation trend is offered by HYP3R, a location-based engagement platform. HYP3R finds the people at your venue...

mobile apps, android tablets mobile apps, android tablets

Tech News

When officers receive a call, the caller’s address or name is entered into Beware, which provides a“threat score.” Although they won’t disclose exactly how...

growth hacking growth hacking

Social Media

A recent survey of over 10,000 social media users reveals the five most annoying Facebook posts, as broken down by state.

finances finances

Business Marketing

Newer social ad venues are intriguing marketers. Many senior ad buyers plan to point their advertising dollars to new social media venues in 2016.

facebook event suggestions facebook event suggestions

Social Media

As Facebook continues to be the social media kingpin, they are also making contingency plans to stay that way, just in case things go...

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