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Search results for "entrepreneur"

mycrowd mycrowd

Tech News

(Tech News) MyCrowd has launched to make sense out of hiring freelancers, and with all of their tech goodies built in, they might actually...

internet of things internet of things

Opinion Editorials

(Tech News) Your fridge, thermostat, car, and sprinklers can all talk to the web now, representing the "Internet of Things," and it's about to...

business weakest link business weakest link

Business Articles

(Business News) While there are business lessons everywhere we look, the cast of Peanuts provides a diverse list of lessons that are actionable.

iphone iphone

Business Marketing

(Business Marketing) When your mobile marketing campaign is ready to grow up, it's time to hire a mobile agency, but how do you know...

fossilera fossilera

Tech News

(Tech News) What do you do when you're a paleontology freak and want a modern online market for legitimate fossils, but none exists, do...

dalia ziada dalia ziada

Opinion Editorials

(Editorial) The gender gap in the technology world exists, but it is not this ugly chasm that some portray it as, and there is...

disappear disappear

Tech News

(Tech News) If you're in danger, or feel like your privacy has been violated, this is the complete guide to quickly pulling the plug...

cloud storage cloud storage

Tech News

(Tech News) Document management software sounds like a mouthful, but really, it's a way to get yourself organized and automate more of your business...

etsy store etsy store

Business Entrepreneur

(Entrepreneur News) Owning an Etsy store, or any business can be scary when the doors open, and one artisan's refusal to forget her first...

revolution revolution

Business News

(Business News) With innovations being made every day, changes to the business environment have led to an economic revolution that is now in full...

gift wrapped gift wrapped

Business News

(Business News) Here are some intuitive ways to improve your sales with better customer service policies and procedures without breaking the bank.

persuade persuade

Business Marketing

(Business Marketing) Trying to persuade others to take action is a difficult task that all businesses face, but one study says there's a simple...

whatsapp acquired whatsapp acquired

Social Media

(Social Media) Facebook has acquired Whatsapp for a ton of dough, but why, and what does this mean for the two companies?

nervous nervous

Business News

(Business News) We all get nervous, but what is the science behind it and how can we shake those nerves, be it when answering...

fail fail

Opinion Editorials

The old "fail faster" mantra is played out - here's how to actually succeed and avoid that failure from the outset.

Woman on computer discussing feedback to her business partner. Woman on computer discussing feedback to her business partner.

Business News

(Business News) Virtual teams and telecommuting is on the rise, but not just because of technology - new data is out that will help...

revenge revenge

Social Media

(Social Media) When a restaurant owner is interviewed for allegations of discrimination, he tells a camera crew that he doesn't want "freaks" or "f**gots"...

workforce workforce

Business News

(Business News) The workforce is changing quickly and employees have a variety of needs today that are opportunities for employers to shift policies to...

passports eb-5 passports eb-5

Business News

(Business News) The EB-5 Immigrant Investor program has some flaws that policymakers could potentially help to fix this year, but what reforms are actually...

squarespace logo squarespace logo

Tech News

(Tech News) Squarespace Logo launches to mixed reviews, with designers mocking the tool, and others mocking the designers. Maybe it's just a useful tool?

trucrowd trucrowd

Business Finance

(Business Finance) Making private equity investments more possible for the Average Joe, TruCrowd taps into the power of crowdfunding.

distractions distractions

Business Entrepreneur

(Entrepreneur News) Productivity is difficult in a world of distractions, but there are a handful of ways that successful real estate agents stay focused...

handiwork handiwork

Business Entrepreneur

(Entrepreneur News) Handiwork is launching this month to help train freelancers on how to do away with hourly rates and make more money.

agbeat's top 50 influencers agbeat's top 50 influencers

Business News

(Business News) In an effort to expand horizons, we have listed 50 influencers that we are inspired by and learn from on a regular...

REAL book REAL book

Opinion Editorials

(Editorial) Did you know some people are scared to write, even though they've written for their whole life? That's my story, and I want...

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