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A construction worker hammering on a roof and avoiding safety violations with proper safety gear on top of a housing unit. A construction worker hammering on a roof and avoiding safety violations with proper safety gear on top of a housing unit.

Business News

This Alabama mobile home construction company faces OSHA penalties for the most common safety violations in their industry.

A woman with a mask on and following OSHA regulations in a manufacturing plant, working at a table with a variety of white materials. A woman with a mask on and following OSHA regulations in a manufacturing plant, working at a table with a variety of white materials.

Business News

Some may find it inconvenient, but OSHA regulations can prevent fatal accidents, as this manufacturer learned too late.

A kitchen interior with a chef cooking at a stove on overtime. A pile of flour and bags of ingredients sit in the foreground. A kitchen interior with a chef cooking at a stove on overtime. A pile of flour and bags of ingredients sit in the foreground.

Business News

This restaurant franchise paid their kitchen workers on a fixed salary, so the Department of Labor is stepping in for their overtime.

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