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Be your own hero, make your own dang animated gif

Oh, the ubiquitousness of gifs! People love them, and let’s face it: gifs sell. Why not make your own?

A gif for any occasion

Oh, the ubiquitousness of gifs! Who knew that in just a handful of seconds you could have a moving image ready to convey the perfect situational response or reaction. There’s something so fun and memorable about using gifs to express yourself. Next time you’re ready to sling a celebratory gif to your sister after hearing about her promotion, or a pizza gif to your family and friends to indicate your Friday night dinner plans, why not consider making your own gif?

Don’t let pop culture speak for you

With, you can take your self-made content and tailor it to be the gif that’s perfect for you! The possibilities are almost endless: You can use a gif to share the latest developments in a product you’re working on, or for more personal ends. Maybe you’d like to share your latest cooking experiment, or a few steps of a walk you took on a particularly beautiful winter day.

Grab a link to content from your YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – or simply upload a video from your own computer. Adjust the timing of your gif, add any effect you want (including this amazing Deal With It effect) and then create your gif.

But pop culture can speak for us too…

You can also use to create custom gifs from already well-known content. Sometimes, our favorite TV characters, star athletes, YouTubers or musicians can express something for us better than we ever could ourselves, and all the gif digging in the world won’t find us the exact image we’re looking for. There’s nothing wrong getting an assist from a reliable character!

You can upload content from your computer if you have something saved, but you can also grab content from almost any social site on the internet.

Those little extras never hurt allows you to customize your gif’s link. This means that if you create something destined for meme-worthiness, you can link back to your own site and drive traffic on your blog or online store.

You’ll also have the ability to add stickers, text, and effects that will take your gif creation to the next level.

Considering this service is free, it almost seems wrong not to share your Gifs creations far and wide!

Caroline is a Staff Writer at The American Genius. She recently received her Masters of Fine Art in Creative Writing from St. Mary’s College of California. She currently works as a writer as well as a Knowledge Manager for a startup in San Francisco.


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