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Real Estate Marketing Pro’s Twitter account tweets something useful to remember when marketing tweeted something that got us to thinking about how the industry can be better positioning itself.

Social media can be and has been a great avenue for communicating across the world. However, that communication isn’t always useful. If you shout into the Twitterverse, “My rent’s going up, thinking about moving” and someone 20 states away says, “I can help you buy,” that’s about the dumbest thing you’re going to hear all day on social media. That’s saying a lot for social media.

So, how can you as a smart realtor and marketer, better target your audience?

Some solid advice

Realtor Pro’s Twitter account, an account run by, shared the following Tweet a few weeks ago:

realtor tweet

This is a great way for realtors to assert their local value. Seriously, retweet it and see for yourself. Better yet, use Buffer or Hootsuite or whatever social media scheduling platform you use to retweet this on a monthly basis.

Nobody knows local like you

That local value is important, because while online forums can be helpful in a lot of ways, they don’t make for great real estate advice.

Nobody knows the local ebbs and flows of the market quite like someone who lives there.

They can also better read and gauge their customers’ concerns and pains in the home-buying process through what they hear on the job and through the grapevine. So, it’s important to get the word out about the nuanced value only a local realtor can provide.

Marketing is more than shouting into the void

Perhaps more importantly than that, understand that good online marketing is often selfless. Realtor Pro primarily tweets at realtors and brokers. By giving them something of value to their audience, they cement their reputation and a valuable and trustworthy brand. It also shows they care. Need proof? They continue to thank the real estate accounts retweeting their message. That’s how you give your brand that warm fuzzy feeling to potential customers.

So, as your go about your social media marketing, find ways to give something of value to your end user. Maybe that’s participating in a Twitter chat. Maybe it’s promoting some content that answers a burning question for future homebuyers. However you slice it, find a way to be selfless and generous to the online community.


Written By

Born in Boston and raised in California, Connor arrived in Texas for college and was (lovingly) ensnared by southern hospitality and copious helpings of queso. As an SEO professional, he lives and breathes online marketing and its impact on businesses. His loves include disc-related sports, a pint of a top-notch craft beer, historical non-fiction novels, and Austin's live music scene.


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