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Counterpoint to a mortifying ‘Open Letter’ to future Realtors

In a wildly popular open letter to anyone looking to get a real estate license, the industry embarrassed us all by fawning over whining.

ron swanson

I have been practicing real estate full time since 2000. I would say that my approach is professional, straightforward, and caring. Recently, a popular open letter to anyone wanting to get their real estate license was circulating around the real estate interwebs like wildfire. It seemed like everybody in real estate was on the bandwagon doting on it.

Frankly, I was mortified.

Why do we have this collective industry voice of complaining? I can only imagine what it must look from the outside to a consumer. Every job has their crosses to bear -why are we in real estate so vocal about it?

Productive counterpoints

Rather than opine on more thoughts about the letter, I wanted to share some positive tips that all real estate agents – whether newbies or veterans – can learn and grow from.

1. Communication is everything. With clients, peers, and internal staff. Communicate effectively and you mitigate 98% of the problems that most agents face.

2. This is a career with job security. Regardless of this old industry, people will always need a place to live. If you continue to embrace change, progress, and excel at your profession, you will make a great career in real estate.

3. Embrace your cheese being moved. It’s inevitable.

4. Learn to say NO. Sticking to your morals and firing clients that do not share your values/philosophy is good. I think we all need to go through a few of these to understand that.

5. Do things to shake up your life. Whether it is a move, a change in routine, something that will put you in the shoes of what your clients go through. Recently I moved into a rental for a renovation. The process was awful and exhausting while doing it but rewarding after it was done.

Because of this experience, I’m so much more in tune with what my clients go through. I think we forget (at least I know I did) how much stress and anxiety comes with a physical change in living. Living through it has made me a more sympathetic agent.

6. Stop making real estate about you. It’s not. It’s about people. Their needs. Their desires. Their wants. Understanding this is pivotal. But acting on it is crucial. In marketing. In conversations. In selling. In negotiations. Make it about them and mean it.

Written By

Jennifer is the principal at Intown Expert, a real estate team focused exclusively on the urban core neighborhoods of Atlanta. In the industry since 2000, Jennifer was hyper-local before it was cool. She promotes the quality of life of living, working and playing in the neighborhoods she serves.


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