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Couple’s new home burns as they sign the deed for it

Talk about bad luck – as a couple signs the deed for a home, the fire department is putting out a fire inside of it.

Sometimes intuition and bad luck go hand in hand. Just knew you were going to get a flat tire on your commute and you did? Had a feeling that new purchase you made was a bad investment and it was? Guessed your new clients were going to be difficult and they were?

It’s never fun when your fears are confirmed, when your luck turns out as terrible as you suspected it would. However, nothing compares to this story about a Western Pennsylvania couple, who officially win the worst luck award of the week. Keep reading, we’re not exaggerating…

The cruelest of ironies

Dave and Penny Mason had been worried for a while that the vacant house next door to theirs was a fire hazard. As a precaution, they decided to buy the house, with the plans of tearing it down to keep their own house out of danger.

Unfortunately, on Wednesday afternoon, in the very moments that the Masons were at the county courthouse signing the deed for the house, a neighbor was calling 911 because the house had caught on fire.

After years of being vacant, bad luck struck

Penny Mason told the local paper that the home had “been sitting empty for a couple years. We didn’t even know about the fire until the fire department was called.” This has to be the ultimate home buyer irony.

Apparently, the fire marshal is still investigating the fire to determine the cause.

The good news? The Masons’ home that they were living in remained undamaged. The first-floor fire next door was quickly extinguished, thank goodness.

The takeaway

The takeaway from all of this? The Masons know how to call it. Also, your luck this week might have been bad, but if the new house you purchased (or helped purchase) remained unscorched, you’re doing okay.


Written By

Amy Orazio received her MFA in Creative Writing at Otis College of Art and Design, in Los Angeles. She lives in Portland now, where she is enjoying the cross section of finishing her poetry manuscript and writing for The American Genius.


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