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Search results for "flexible"

hiring programmers hiring programmers

Business Entrepreneur

(Entrepreneur News) Hiring programmers can be an overwhelming task if you don't know what to look for, but we tap the experienced folk to...

short sales agent short sales agent

Housing News

Short sales aren't known to be the most seamless of transactions, but knowing some basic tricks can make the process go smoothly.

digital video digital video


Now that the world understands YouTube, brands are becoming aware of the restrictions and considering how to graduate from the video sharing platform to...

duschene on paternity leave duschene on paternity leave

Business Entrepreneur

Employers can retain high quality employees and boost productivity with a modernized family leave program.

lg g flex lg g flex


The LG G Flex is exciting as it is curved, but there are much deeper implications of this announcement that your company should take...

nissan nismo wearable technology nissan nismo wearable technology

Tech News

Nissan introduces a wearable technology, and we ponder what the future of these technologies truly is (and how accurate Back To The Future was)...

crowdfund crowdfund

Business Finance

If you have a great idea and are hoping to crowdfund but don't want to give up control to a third party or you...

iphone iphone

Tech News

Technology brings us closer together yet pushes us further apart, so how do you overcome this and other conundrums to make tech work for...

do not call list do not call list

Business News

The Do Not Call laws are strict and inflexible, and a leading mortgage brokerage targeted U.S. servicemembers, even when appearing on the Do Not...

cheap flights cheap flights

Business Finance

We all know the basic ways to save money when traveling on business or vacation, but's CEO tells us less common tricks for...

productivity productivity

Business News

We all want to be productive, but there are drawbacks to burning the candles at both ends. Eventually, something is going to burn out.

crowdfunding crowdfunding

Business Finance

Crowdfunding has become a popular fundraising tool for startups, businesses, and even individuals, but money doesn't magically fall from the sky - here are...

short sales short sales

Housing News

Cash isn't always king in short sales, so reviewing offers on a short sale should take into account more than just the blinding qualities...

kate spade saturday kate spade saturday

Business Marketing

Control Group offers a sneak peek at the new Kate Spade Saturday immersive retail experience that will launch in New York later this month.

franchising franchising

Business Entrepreneur

Franchising a business is the logical next step for many businesses, but there are some basics to consider before moving forward - let's examine...

android o apps android o apps

Tech Gadgets

The writing has been on the wall for some time, and now, it has been uncovered that Google is working on "X Phone," a...

high performance employees high performance employees

Business Entrepreneur

Last week, we touched on how to deal with high performing employees who lack social skills. Here is an in depth look at the...

high performing employees high performing employees

Business Entrepreneur

High performing employees are often an easy hiring decision, and Ivy league hires seem like a no-brainer, but their competitive nature can rub other...

marc lefton, half fiction marc lefton, half fiction

Business Entrepreneur

In an effort to better ourselves, the fastest means of doing so is to learn how business leaders tick, and what sets them apart....

Business News

In the pursuit of self improvement, the first step is to ask the experts how they got to where they are, so today we...

battle of the mobile payment systems battle of the mobile payment systems

Business Finance

Whether selling services or products at a conference, or in a traditional store, there are endless reasons to add mobile payments as an option...

Content Management System Content Management System

Tech News

Most websites that have dynamic, updating content, are running on a CMS, and most businesses are now using a CMS in their business tool,...

stand out, be unique stand out, be unique

Business Marketing

How are you standing out from your competitors in a digital world where everyone has a blog, a Facebook page, an app, and a...

Chinese Business Culture Chinese Business Culture

Business News

The importance of knowing how, why and when to socialize while doing business in China can help any budding business or established tradition flourish...

questions questions

How to

Short sales are more common today, and knowing what questions to ask can streamline all parties' efforts for a successful transaction.

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