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Search results for "flexible"

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Business News

New research shows why startup life might be more creative and productive than traditional offices: booze.

Merge ABM Merge ABM

Tech News

The new platform offers new widgets to serve any industry, and offers innovation so big, a new software category had to be trademarked.

credit cards credit cards

Business Finance

Some people travel every day, others once per year, but with these tips, you can make your current spending habits work toward saving you...


It is nearly impossible to quickly and efficiently sell a property with an uncooperative tenant. And, since time is of the essence in a...

tanium tanium


How does a startup come to be? Where do ideas come from and what are the challenges of executing them? Through the story of...


In a former pigeon loft in a trendy Barcelona neighborhood, a fully fold-out apartment loft was constructed for a bachelor who even hosts dinner...

Business Entrepreneur

Millennials are increasingly entrepreneurial for four main reasons that we detail here. The generation is young, ready to work, and aiming to change the...

Tech News

Microsoft has developed a futuristic projector that allows business professionals to project and interact with digital images and apps and although the technology is...

Business News

Young women entering the work force are making sacrifices and working very hard to get ahead, but most stunt their own growth by not...

Business Entrepreneur

Time and money are to be considered when deciding whether your business should run virtually or in an office - it is a complicated...

Opinion Editorials

Don’t Judge a Realtor by the company they keep I don’t know about you, but access to my MLS is governed by my local...

Business Entrepreneur

Leaving the grind Working a 9-to-5 job can provide you with stability, security, and peace of mind.  But can it give you a sense...


Survival mode for BlackBerry With a dwindling market share, it is no secret that in recent years, RIM/BlackBerry has lost its edge against Apple...

Economic News

State of the Union address Although various insiders alluded to Obama’s focus on housing in his State of the Union, but in the early...

Housing News

Windermere Solutions Recently named to the 60 Genius Brands to watch in 2012 list, Windermere Real Estate brokerage spinoff tech company Windermere Solutions was...

Tech Gadgets

Timelapse+ protytpe The Timelapse+ is an intervalometer (timer device) for automatically triggering SLR cameras, featuring wireless capabilities for connecting with accessories (like a smartphone!)....

Social Media

Interactive infographic site Although not as simple as a standard infographic,, the social platform atlas has provided an interactive infographic diving very deeply...


Where texting is illegal, so is using an iPad Although we recommend following all local and federal laws, people in restricted areas continue to...


A new concept for smartphones We’ve seen a lot of amazing concepts in smartphones ranging from flexible displays to smartphones embedded in watches, and...

Social Media

The new Gmail On the heels of Google Reader’s redesign is Gmail’s makeover in an overall effort to streamline and make consistent all Google...

Social Media

New CRM released for HTML5 has just announced its HTML5 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) cloud-based web application is now in beta. One of...

Opinion Editorials

October housing summit results “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  – Albert Einstein The National Association...

Tech Gadgets

Software downloads for Windows are more popular than ever. And when those downloads are free, they often create a fan base and a stable...

Social Media

Astonishing numbers about the impending need McKinsey & Company released a report about the overwhelming amount of data being created by the Internet, called...

Social Media

Noteshelf- handwriting app for iPad The Noteshelf app for iPad proclaims to be “the most beautiful note taking app ever designed for the iPad.”...

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