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Creepy: Facebook will include your fam’s behavior in ad algorithm

(TECH NEWS) Facebook has expanded their ad targeting in an effort to “get to know you a little better.”

Household targeting

For anyone who already finds targeted ads unsettling, the new Facebook features are sure to push those fears over the edge.

Facebook announced this week that their marketers can now target entire households, as opposed to individual user targeting.

After breaking down the reasoning behind their strategy, it became apparent that household targeting is an efficient way to boost a brand. By assuming that most people who share a single household are members of a collective family unit, Facebook marketers assume that they also share similar interests.

Jedi mind tricks

For instance, ads regarding travel could sway a family to agree on their next destination. If every member sees the same ad for a specific cruise or travel package, one person might be likely to start the conversation.

Household targeted ads can also influence gifts that parents buy for children during the holidays.

Facebook also predicts that this new feature will encourage repeat buyers from the same household. On a similar note, some products that only need to be bought once will not show up as ads again.

It can be assumed that no one needs more than one Google Home device, so it would be worthless for that ad to continually target the same household.

This specifically crafted targeting helps Facebook further influence decisions, however, what is good for the brand is not always good for the public. While everyone can agree that ads are annoying, some people may find this new type of marketing bordering on creepy.

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Tapping into your psyche

It’s always a bit off-putting to talk about a product or store and later see an ad for the same thing on your Instagram feed.

Luckily, Facebook users can opt out of this new ad feature. Simply go to Settings, Privacy, and then Advertising to remove yourself from the “member of family based household” category.

In addition to the new ad features, Facebook also plans on using more dynamic video advertising as opposed to static images.

These videos can contain overlays which can promote, offer discounts, and provide additional information.

The reason behind this change is that videos are much more enticing, especially on mobile devices where most people do their shopping.


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Written By

Natalie is a Staff Writer at The American Genius and co-founded an Austin creative magazine called Almost Real Things. When she is not writing, she spends her time making art, teaching painting classes and confusing people. In addition to pursuing a writing career, Natalie plans on getting her MFA to become a Professor of Fine Art.



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