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Search results for "tips"

resume alternatives resume alternatives

Tech News

There has to be a better way to sell yourself to employers - below are a few resume alternatives to help you stand out...

twitter twitter

Social Media

By analyzing one million tweets, a new study reveals that there are four things successful Twitter users have in common.

procrastination procrastination

Business News

Procrastination is often linked to perfectionism, when in fact it has more to do with impulsiveness. Fret not, friends, scientists have been hard at...

stress control freak stress control freak

Business News

Studies show that secondhand stress is real and is a major challenge in the workforce. Negativity is contagious, so here are some tips on...

sephora subscription sample box sephora subscription sample box

Business News

Sephora starts a subscription service as a way to attract more business, offering a roadmap for smaller brands to aspire to.

content strategy content strategy

Business Marketing

Content marketing is a top component to any brand's efforts today, but if your content strategy isn't working, there's a reason. Let's discuss.

people-pleaser people-pleaser

Business News

Being a people-pleaser comes naturally to some people but can be a professional disadvantage. Let's discuss how to know if you're over the top...

Social Media

We all use social networks, but features change and we may miss some of the new tweaks, so here are some to help get...

Business News

Procrastination can be a business killer, especially for entrepreneurs, but how can it be overcome in a meaningful way?

Tech News

Ugly Email has launched as a Google Chrome extension that shows you which emails are being tracked so you can better protect yourself.

Tech News

Sprint is still struggling to repair their image and the new Direct 2 You program hopes to assist in their effort.

hand exercises hand exercises

Business News

These hand exercises can help those of us typing or texting all day to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and other problems that can...

negotiation diversity activism negotiation diversity activism

Business Articles

When startups are looking to expand and sign with big brands, it can be a daunting task, so we ask someone who's been there...

now hiring sign resume now hiring sign resume

Business News

Sprucing up a resume can be daunting in light of shifting trends, so what's the latest? Let's examine.

Tech News

SMS services (or text messaging services) are exploding, and these startups want to help you do everything from order a cake to solve a...

Business Articles

It can be difficult to remember names, especially in a fast paced business or a crowded room, but even the most forgetful folks can...

starbucks spotify starbucks spotify

Business News

Starbucks makes it clear why they're getting rid of CDs on their counters: they've teamed up with Spotify to allow you to interact with...

Tech News

Responster is taking on the survey giants by being better designed, mobile ready, and customizable. The goal is to get more responses, and they...

pinterest rich pins pinterest rich pins

Social Media

Pinterest has rolled out a new feature that makes using Pinterest so much easier. Engage your followers in a whole new way with Rich...

Tech News

UberExit is a cool conversion tool that tracks mouse movements and anticipates when someone is about to leave a site, working to keep them...

draft investing app draft investing app

Business Finance

DRAFT seeks to expose transaction fees and help you compare yours to people nearby - it makes investing accessible to all.

pitch any idea pitch any idea

Business Articles

Is a successful person more likely to be found at their desk during lunch, or at a gym? The answer might surprise you.

Business News

Sprint is changing the way customers buy or upgrade their mobile devices by introducing a new program called Sprint Direct 2 You.

Business Finance

Facebook meets Wall Street with Openfoilo. Share your investment ideas and tips with like-minded professionals.

sales skills sales skills

Business Articles

Sales skills are important today, whether it's your job title or not - one expert shares his tips for improving.

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