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Search results for "tips"

snapchat snapchat

Business Finance

(FINANCE) New extension of Snapchat allows companies to sell through app

sxsw 2017 sxsw 2017

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Make sure you know your options to get around town during SXSW Interactive so you're not abandoned across town. It happens.

facebook facebook

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Facebook's new algorithm might step on a few privacy toes, but it will absolutely save lives.

woman typing tech women online security woman typing tech women online security

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) The risks today are high, and all of us can do more to keep our information out of hackers' hands - these...

small business owner minimum wage small business owner minimum wage

Tech News

(FINANCE NEWS) It makes sense that as the cost of living increases, the minimum wage would rise to reflect that. So why has tipped...


Business Finance

(FINANCE NEWS) Experts say that small businesses are more vulnerable to fraud, whether by employees or outside vendors. Here's what you must know.

linkedin desktop linkedin desktop

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) LinkedIn unleashes a new design for desktop - what's different, and will it improve your job hunt?

Facebook Like Button Facebook Like Button

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) The quick little comprehensive cheat sheet to help you start to wrap your head around all the factors that make a Facebook...

recruiters resume hobbies recruiters resume hobbies

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Some of this advice may seem common sense, but recruiters confide in us how infrequently candidates actually adhere to their advice.

interview interview

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Interviews can be scary. Group interviews can be even scarier. Learn how to master that domain by following a few simple tips.

newsweek newsweek

Opinion Editorials

(EDITORIAL) News outlets are spending infinite amounts of time chastising fake news while using Revcontent, Taboola, and Outbrain to serve up the equivalent of...

data kissmetrics data kissmetrics

Opinion Editorials

(EDITORIAL) The use of analytic data is already well-documented in identifying likely customer behaviors and responses. But there's something at the core we aren't...

congress congress

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) After a vigorous public backlash, Congress will hold off on an earlier proposal that would have dramatically undermined the autonomy of the...

gen z womens history month millennial gen z womens history month millennial

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) Just as we're getting used to marketing to millennials, a new generation wants to hand us money - better be prepared for...

amazon prime air amazon prime air

Tech News

(BUSINESS NEWS) If you're counting on Amazon for this year's gifts, they might not arrive on time - here's what's going on behind the...

at&t time warner spectrum at&t time warner spectrum

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) After recent news that AT&T was happily selling customer data to government agencies - we have to wonder if Time Warner Cable...

adobe-spark adobe-spark

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Three for the price of none — Adobe Spark is a new app suite that is simply a (free) marketing dream. No...

zest zest

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) Marketing inspiration can be found in a variety of ways. And now, it can be found in your Google Chrome extensions.

google translate google translate

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Google Translate announced they will use neural learning to improve their accuracy - what does it all mean?!

tech jobs desk clean declutter job hunting finesse tech jobs desk clean declutter job hunting finesse

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Your office should be one that encourages you to be more productive and efficient. If you’re feeling as if your space isn’t...

uber austin ridesharing uber austin ridesharing

Business News

(AUSTIN BUSINESS NEWS) Two new State Senate bills could pave the way for ridesharing to return to Austin, but more action, as well as...

stress control freak stress control freak

Business News

(BUSINESS) Most offices have *someone* on the team that has some control issues, but with these methods, friction can be reduced.

#facesoffounders #facesoffounders

Business Entrepreneur

(ENTREPRENEUR NEWS) Entrepreneurs are growing rapidly. Join the #FacesOfFounders movement that just might help further the significance of entrepreneurialism.

growth metrics growth metrics

Business Entrepreneur

(ENTREPRENEUR NEWS) Growth Report for Slack helps you understand and fine-tune your startup's growth engine by offering real growth metrics.

tabtics tabtics

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Tabtics has some pretty strong words about you and your health. But hey, it might be the kick in the pants you...

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