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Search results for "tips"

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Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) LinkedIn profiles can make or break you in the eyes of employers. Make sure you’re appropriately utilizing the website.

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Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Comparable to a very basic dating app, this application allows users to browse professionals that are near them and view their availability.

instagram instagram

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) On average, most brands receive 500,000 page interactions, while fashion accounts boast over 1.5 million interactions. Get on their Instagram level.

digital marketing digital marketing

Business Marketing

(BUSINESS NEWS) Email, blogging, social media, PPC, SEO -- where to start? What’s really important when it comes to digital marketing?

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) For parents and my fellow forgetful friends, $159 isn’t a price we want to pay for something we may lose and eventually...

fount app entrepreneurs fount app entrepreneurs

Business Entrepreneur

(ENTREPRENEUR NEWS) Entrepreneurs and freelancers alike know the struggle of building a solid network. The new smartphone app, Fount, is working to bridge that...

work-life balance data fcc work-life balance data fcc

Business Entrepreneur

(ENTREPRENEURS) Work-life balance is often addressed as a mission for parents, but single folks deserve a proper work-life balance, too!

work from home productivity work from home productivity

Opinion Editorials

(OPINION EDITORIAL) Being productive can be a challenge, but one particular day of the week can stand above the others in this regard.

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Goldman Sachs has just issued new rules restricting very specific types of political candidates they can donate to, but why?

american flag american flag

Business Entrepreneur

(ENTREPRENEUR NEWS) Who needs the Silicon Valley when this place is fast-becoming a startup mecca?

linkedin linkedin

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) LinkedIn reported recently that 80 percent of business to business (B2B) leads were through their platform. Here's how to take advantage.

Business News

(EDITORIAL) The main idea behind hiring for attitude first is that skills can be taught, while attitude is a reflection of personality, something which is...

pefin pefin

Business Finance

(FINANCE NEWS) The world’s first Artificial Intelligence financial advisor works to know who you are in an effort to help you make important financial...

diversity diversity

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) It should be a no-brainer that having a more diverse staff is good for your business – and the research backs it...

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Business Entrepreneur

(ENTREPRENEUR NEWS) Group communication continues to move toward a virtual realm as online platform for collaboration grows.

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Being unemployed can suck. Having people in your corner, even virtually, can help it to suck less.

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) Social media platform SMhack works to house all social media accounts in one condensed timeline.

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Opinion Editorials

(OPINION EDITORIAL) The simplicity and efficiency of today relies heavily on the elimination of non-essential tasks.

smartphone work desk smartphone work desk

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) LinkedIn launches app to help recent graduates learn the steps to take in finding a career.

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) You can spend an arm and a leg throwing money into the ad budget, or you can take a page from Nike...

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) With the rise of the chatbot, let's pause to put forth what will be a consensus on what they should offer, and...

Business Marketing

(BUSINESS MARKETING) If you value customer feedback, check out this new app that puts surveys beautifully inside of emails. Genius!

Business Entrepreneur

Workpad is like a live, interactive forum, making freelance management a whole lot easier.

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) While many refugees do flee their homelands empty-handed, many of them are armed with that ubiquitous device we’ve come to know and...

Business Finance

(BUSINESS FINANCE) Did you know that taxpayers overpay by an average of $3,000 per year? Don’t let this be you. TaxBestimates can help.

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