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Search results for "tips"

video viral marketing emotional marketing video viral marketing emotional marketing

Opinion Editorials

It’s the internet equivalent of winning the lottery. It’s Bieber, Kardashians, and Purina's Puppyhood. It’s MAGIC. And here's why you can't buy it.

deskpic deskpic

Business Articles

We've all read a ton of articles on tricking yourself into working out, and I'm sure your glutes are totally rockin' by now -...

fitness running gatorade fitness running gatorade

Business News

73 percent of people quit their new workout regimen within the first six weeks. Gatorade doesn't want that to be you, so they have...

graduate graduate

Opinion Editorials

Everywhere you look, it seems like college dropouts are building massive Fortune 500 companies and chic startups; however, this is misleading. The reality is...

reading ebook reading ebook

Business Entrepreneur

With most major holidays over, and the New Year behind us, it’s time to do some self-reflection and start digging into 2016. Make Q1...

facebook event suggestions facebook event suggestions

Business News

Facebook Events are getting a rebrand, and one of those new features is a geolocation "Events Near You". This will include suggested events based...

trello trello

Tech News

Trello is a great tool for collaborating on projects and organizing your thoughts, but did you know there are a set of hacks that...

Gen-Z Gen-Z

Business Articles

You've come up with a brilliant company vision, but how exactly do you get (and keep) employees aligned with that vision?

gen z generation z millennials gen z generation z millennials

Business Marketing

When it comes to marketing to millennials, making sure your brand is engaging with them most effectively is key. Here are some tips on...

desk email signature desk email signature

Business Articles

Your email signature has a big impact on how clients and business partners perceive you and your company. Can't figure out where to start?...

interview hands interview hands

Business News

Going on a job interview and worrying about questions and answers is stressful, so what are you supposed to (or NOT do) with your...


Business News

Senior Staff Writer, Jennifer Walpole is working on her PhD in English at OU, but still makes time to bring you quality reporting nearly...

instagress instagress

Social Media

Instagress helps you "get social media super powers" with automated likes, follows and comments to help your brand gain real followers that engage (really).

body language body language

Real Estate

Better believe it, 55 percent of communication relies on body language - are you saying what you want to say? Here are 7 ways...

picmonkey picmonkey

Tech News

Photo editing software has come a long way. Now, you can edit your images in the blink of an eye and Picmonkey is still...

Social Media

We're all told to be hashtag heavy online, but could the hashtag you're about to use going to end with a call to your...

bar stunt bar stunt

Business Marketing

Marketing is essential to any successful business, but how can you do it with little or no budget? Take a page from this bar's...

getting hired getting hired

Business News

Hiring managers tell us what they wish you know about interviewing for a job, so read up before suiting up!

survey count survey count

Business Marketing

Now in Beta (and free!), SurveyCount targets what you want to find out from your customers, then helps you ask the right questions (that...

working millennial privilege working millennial privilege

Business News

Millennials have been studied and targeted by marketers, but there is a tremendous difference between a senior millennial and a junior millennial.

job hunting gig culture job hunting gig culture

Business Articles

When networking in a crowd or one on one, it is tough to know if you're boring someone. Here are tips you should know.

coworking coworking

Opinion Editorials

Coworking isn't a new concept, but it is evolving and maturing. What's changed, and what has yet to change?

google+ google+

Social Media

With more and more people coming around to the fact that Google+ is here to stay, learning the tips and tricks to make your...

instagram for business instagram for business

Social Media

If you’re not using Instagram to market your products and services and connect to customers, you’re already way behind. Here's how to catch up.

chromebit chromebit

Tech News

The tiny little Chromebit is being called "a marvel of engineering," and will soon turn any tv into a full-blown computer.

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