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Search results for "tips"

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) Yahoo recently launched some of the first chatbots on the popular messenging platform, Kik. Now, they want to bring these bots...

crm woman typing working laptop crm woman typing working laptop

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) Being a good steward of the Internet involves answering questions for your potential customers. Doing so gives you exposure and an association...

uber austin uber austin


After Prop 1 ran Uber out of Austin, the newly-opened ridesharing marketplace gave several startups the opportunity to fill the functional void. Sadly, one...

cybersecurity malware cybersecurity malware

Business News

Everyone in the C-Suite knows the importance of business intelligence, and the competitive advantage of data at your fingertips, but do you really know...

Tech News

Dakota is on the verge of launching a tech support tool that puts you in touch with an expert live - no driving, no...

Opinion Editorials

So many times we wonder if our ideas are good enough. Here's a good way to tell if your idea is ready to go,...

growth hacking growth hacking

Business News

Just recently, it was announced that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts were hacked. OurMine claims they gained Zuckerberg’s credentials though the...

female entrepreneurs female entrepreneurs

Opinion Editorials

How many times have you been at a networking event and felt trapped in a seemingly endless conversation? No more. Here are some tips...

haptic tech haptic tech

Tech News

Our interactions with the digital world have, until very recently, only deeply engaged our senses of sight and sound. Devices became responsive to touch,...

goals goals

Tech News

Here's how to tell if it's time to declutter your workspace, and which tools will help you actually keep your area cleared.

favor delivery app favor delivery app


Instacart. GrubHub. BiteSquad. AmazonNow. The online delivery field is getting crowded, but Favor considers itself unique.

disrupter smartphone dependency addiction dark posts disrupter smartphone dependency addiction dark posts

Tech News

As a society, phone dependency is increasingly an issue, but is that totally bad news?

smartphone work desk smartphone work desk

Social Media

There is science behind the ideal post length for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and more - are you on target to earn the highest level...

female entrepreneurs female entrepreneurs

Opinion Editorials

So many times we think we have our lives figured out and then life throws us a curve ball. You feel the urge to...

Handing over card representing getting paid. Handing over card representing getting paid.

Opinion Editorials

Dear Past Stupid Self: This is what you should have done to make my easier. Kind Regards, Future Less Stupid Self

robots ai robots ai

Social Media

Unbeknownst to a Twitter user, his innocent-enough tweet connecting Nice Tips Bot with Medieval Death Bot set off an epic, oddly fascinating, battle between...

female entrepreneurs female entrepreneurs

Opinion Editorials

Congratulations you’re an extrovert. So who made you in charge of coaxing introverts out their shell?

money professional personal success money professional personal success

Business Entrepreneur

There is a widespread professional expectation that one be an “ideal worker”— and it’s killing our productivity.

tesla tesla

Tech News

The latest technology in our automobiles keeps us safer and offers added convenience, but do the risks of this technology outweigh the rewards?

youtube ads youtube ads

Business Marketing

Consumers are motivated by four different aspects when it comes to sharing video content with their friends, make sure you meet at least one...

vsco academy vsco academy

Social Media

VSCO is one of the most popular photo apps, especially among seasoned photographers. And they’re translating their knowledge into a VSCO Academy on YouTube...

twitter supermute twitter supermute

Social Media

Twitter videos are underutilized, yet wildly increase engagement levels. Know the technical requirements so you can get started like yesterday.

datalion datalion

Business Entrepreneur

Data drives the effectiveness of creative engagement with consumers through personalization, contextual relevance and interaction. Most of all, data helps us tell more compelling...

Business News

Expand your circle of trust with Clarity - an app that connects you with over 40,000 mentors and experts for real advice.

millennial mother millennial mother

Social Media

Sitting in the dark, rocking a sleeping baby, with the soft glow of Facebook pulled up on a smartphone is today’s new parent routine....

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