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Search results for "tips"

dementia games dementia games

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Psychology and other medical professionals are hard at work trying to alleviate the struggles of those with dementia with 2 apps, Thinkability...

Coffee cup with side hustle written on it representing overemployment. Coffee cup with side hustle written on it representing overemployment.

Opinion Editorials

(EDITORIAL) Who else is tired of the Hustle? Why is it there anyway? How can I stay out of it? These question are important...

image size matters image size matters

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Keep all of your social media profiles and products looking their best with the social media image size cheat sheet for 2020.

overtime pay overtime pay

Business Finance

(EMPLOYMENT) The Department of Labor announced new laws for overtime pay; it’s definitely not too soon to make sure that you are ready for...

Brave Brave

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Brave is boldly going where most web browsers are not: actually private internet browsing, with slick features in tow.

smart bulbs smart bulbs

Real Estate Technology

(TECH NEWS) It turns out that Internet of Things, like smart bulbs in homes, are not secure and give up your info - here...

earbuds noise cancelling earbuds noise cancelling

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) There are no shortage of earbuds on the market, however, Nuheara's noise cancelling, bluetooth earbuds are sure to top everyone's wish list.

designer freelancers clients designer freelancers clients

Business Entrepreneur

(ENTREPRENEUR) Freelancers are in a tight spot - keeping customers happy pays the bills, even when they're impossibly difficult. Let's discuss how to overcome...

clearpath digital marketing clearpath digital marketing

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) For all businesses, it is not only essential to develop an digital marketing strategy, but also necessary to utilize it in order...

remote workcations remote workcations

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Remote working is increasingly more common here are some tips on how to ask your boss for flexibility.

shipping boxes shipping boxes

Business Finance

(BUSINESS FINANCE) When running a smaller shop online, how can you compete with free shipping from giants like Amazon that can afford it?

networking event introverted networking event introverted


(BUSINESS) It can be intimidating to go to an Austin Digital Jobs recruiting mixer due to the size, but listen, everyone's slightly nervous -...

person on laptop typing an email person on laptop typing an email

Opinion Editorials

(OPINION EDITORIAL) One of the easiest ways to boost creativity and productivity is to do a spot of cleaning- both physically and digitally.

bureau workey leap hiring culture, bias, job interview, job offer, elevator pitch bureau workey leap hiring culture, bias, job interview, job offer, elevator pitch

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Interviews are nerve racking enough without having to wonder if your potential employer is playing by the rules. Be aware of these...

smartphone speed dial smartphone speed dial

Business Entrepreneur

(ENTREPRENEUR) Don't wait until you have an emergency to have proper business contacts, make sure you know at least these six people for your...

remote workers remote workers

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Do you manage remote employees or an entirely mixed team? These tips will keep you on the right track to avoid communication...

pc devices pushbullet loneliness pc devices pushbullet loneliness

Business Entrepreneur

(ENTREPRENEUR) If you haven’t yet given up on humanity, check out these tips for avoiding loneliness while freelancing / solopreneuring.

linkedin linkedin

Business Marketing

(MARKETING) LinkedIn may feel like a grandparent's wonderland, but it still yields power for your company, and the secret sauce is in the LinkedIn...

passwords dark web Chinese hacker blackmail apple passwords dark web Chinese hacker blackmail apple

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) While we all know that passwords can be hacked, it is rare that we know how they're hacked.

online sales online sales

Business Marketing

(MARKETING) These tips and tricks are prime ways to boost the dollar amount spent at checkout and close more deals -- even on the...

informational interview informational interview

Business News

(CAREER) Informational interviews comprise a technique in which you ask an employer or current employee to explain the details of their job to you....

job hunting gig culture job hunting gig culture

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Culture fit is important when job hunting, here are 10 ways to find out if the prospective company is a good fit.

facebook digital marketing buffer managers facebook digital marketing buffer managers

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Social Media is a growing field with everyone and their moms trying to become social media managers. Here are a few experts'...

heartbeat heartbeat

Opinion Editorials

(EDITORIAL) We all know the platitude, but here is one story of the complexities of this life.

Older woman on laptop representing age diversity in the workplace. Older woman on laptop representing age diversity in the workplace.

Business News

(CAREER) A recent court ruling makes ageism against job applicants legal, but at least one state is taking action.

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