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How to use Buffer’s social media calendar to boost your marketing efforts

(MARKETING) Social media can be a handful to manage, but Buffer offers a calendar that could give you the competitive advantage.

Growing an audience on social media often means implementing a consistent sharing schedule to give valuable, timely information. A social media strategy will help businesses reach their audience in a meaningful way and keep them engaged throughout the entire process.

Buffer, the online social media management tool, understands the need for an organized social media strategy, and has now added a social calendar to their list of great features. With Buffer calendar, users can keep track of when, where, and what to post over long periods of time.

Buffer’s social media calendar operates much the same way as a Google or Outlook calendar, making it familiar and easy-to-use. Users can add social media updates to the calendar months in advance, reschedule when necessary, and click each calendar item to get in-depth details and see if the task has been fulfilled.

You can also schedule customized posting to automatically fill pre-set time slots, and click and drag items around the calendar for instant rescheduling.

Buffer already offers the Buffer queue, where users can create a list of social media updates to automatically post at certain times. Buffer calendar is a great compliment to the queue because it allows users to schedule much further out, and see the update schedule one week at a time. The calendar format is an important visual tool that will help many users better monitor and implement their content strategy.

For example, if a particular day had multiple updates scheduled about the same topic, Buffer calendar would make this easy to identify and rectify.

While the Buffer queue may move updates around on the schedule when users add or move posts to the top of their queue, the calendar ensures that these updates are pinned at the exact time you choose. Even better, the queue and calendar will automatically sync so that anything added to the queue will show up on your calendar—and vise-versa.

The new calendar feature is a great addition to Buffer’s social media management toolkit. The Buffer calendar allows for a new level of precision and accuracy, making it easier than ever to create custom scheduled posts, schedule projects for certain dates, and manage social media updates and pins.

Written By

Hannah is currently a writer and student in Colorado Springs, pursuing her master's degree in Creative Writing at the University of Denver. Before becoming a Staff Writer for the American Genius, Hannah wrote website content and grant applications for a law office in central Minnesota.


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