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These popular Facebook videos should inspire your own

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Learn from the best performing Facebook videos of 2017 to improve your company’s 2018 social media content strategy.

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In the fast-paced digital space, a well-made video can grab consumer’s attention, spark engagement and even encourage sales, if produced effectively.

And if you want to be the best, why not learn from the best?

As videos continue to reign as the standout content form on Facebook, it’s worth reviewing the best performing Facebook videos of 2017 when perfecting your company’s social media strategy this year. Videos are a significant advertising medium, so do what you can to make your own videos more captivating and look outside of the industry for inspiration so you’re not mimicking your competitors.

To get a feel for what videos enchanted audiences and why, Socialbaker analyzed the top performing Facebook native, live and 360 videos from the fashion, retail and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industries last year.

Here are the key takeaways from the analysis, broken down by category:

1. Fashion

The quality of your Facebook videos matters, as demonstrated by the top performing native video published by American Jewelry manufacturer, Effy Jewelry. This video has an engaging storyline, soft music and beautiful visuals, all of which come together to reflect the luxurious nature of Effy Jewelry products. Consumers responded to this work of art, too, as it garnered more than 11,000 organic interactions in 2017. To engage your desired audience, design videos down to the smallest detail:

How-to videos also work well, especially if they show consumers how to actually use the products you’re selling. Fashion accessory company Stella & Dot used Facebook Live to demonstrate how to best wear their accessories. It’s simple and showcases the products, which more than 209,000 viewers appreciated. As consumers become increasingly conscious about their purchases, why not use video to demonstrate what your products can actually do for average consumers?

Lastly, videos can also be experiences. Patagonia took their Facebook 360 video audience on a rock climbing adventure that not only showcased products, but was gorgeous to watch. The video theme tied well to the outdoorsy brand but also kept consumers watching for the pure enjoyment of it. Keep your own audience engaged by taking them to different travel destinations, events, or even your office.

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2. Retail

Featuring influencers in your videos can expand your reach and following. John Stamos starred in a Michaels art supplies store video as he decorated a Christmas stocking last fall. This video received more than 12,000 interactions and a whopping 2.5 million views:

People also like watching others unbox new products, so consider using Facebook Live streams in this way. Lamborghini Newport Beach capitalized on these popular types of high-engagement videos and recorded the unloading of a new car. It was a real-time way to spotlight the assortment of cars they had on the lot, too. If you have a brand new product to unveil, try a live unboxing video to capture joyous reactions, hold viewer interest and drive sales:

And as online-exclusive retailers consume the market (cough Amazon cough), videos can be used to give at-home consumers an appealing look at your brick-and-mortar store. Seasonal decoration retailer Spirit Halloween recorded a quick tour of one of its retail locations before opening to tease their items and encourage people to stop in – and it worked! The Facebook 360 video accumulated 20,000 interactions and more than 1 million views:

3. Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)

Cooking videos are king. You’ve probably been mesmerized by a Buzzfeed Tasty video once or twice, right? Well, if you are a food or household products brand, spend time creating cooking videos. Philadelphia Cream Cheese made a short video showing Facebook users how to make creative mini cheesecakes and it was viewed more than 3.8 million times. Such videos are easily digested (pun definitely intended) and have longevity for views and interactions, so don’t ignore this theme:

Use the distinctive capabilities of Facebook Live video to build immediate connections with your audience, too. Yankee Candle used Facebook Live to unveil new products in real-time and asked questions throughout the video, encouraging viewers to stick around and respond, rewarding correct answers with branded goodies. Clear call-to-actions in your videos will strengthen consumer engagement with your brand.

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Last but not least, use Facebook videos to evoke feelings or emotions. Wright Brand Bacon made viewer’s drool and crave the salty breakfast meat with a Facebook 360 video shot of bacon sizzling away inside a toaster oven, sounds and all. Use the visual tools at your disposal to drive consumers to your product as a result of cravings. Bonus points if your video is so sensory satisfying it goes viral.

Written By

Sienna is a Staff Writer at The Real Daily and has a bachelor's degree in journalism with an emphasis in writing and editing from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. She is currently a freelance writer with an affinity for topics that help others better themselves. Sienna loves French-pressed coffee and long walks at the dog park.


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