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Business Marketing

Upload, Print, Give, Done! Online self publishing site (which allows you to design a book and print it with no minimum order) recently...

How to

Best Advice On Twitter and Facebook, I asked people to tell me the best business advice they’ve ever received (in 140 characters or less)....

Housing News

I just said yes. I finally got my Palm Pre and in full disclosure, no one would loan or give me one to try...

Business Marketing

Broker Open House – Serving Lunch 11am – 2pm Fire in the hole! Will you sell your soul for a half-a-sandwich? This is a...

Social Media

Good Ol’ Blogging 1.0 Once upon a time, people read blogs in a format called a newspaper that they could pick up and take...

Business Marketing

You’ll hear it across all the marketing blogs and in the social media buzz but how often do you really pay attention to it?...

Social Media

The backstory on AG & Social Media We’ve been talking about social media for real estate for what seems like an eternity now. We’ve...

How to

My life is a series of failures. I’ve failed at quite a few things in my life. More than I probably care to admit....


Look for Networking Opportunities Networking happens in many different situations. Not only should you network with other people in the same line of business...

Social Media

A warning to social media mavens Warning: If you’re a social media maven or guru then you’re either going to get all pissy about...

How to

Top 10 Ways to Use Blogging in Real Estate [#10] – SEO SEO = Search Engine Optimization, not Sour Evolution of Optimists (as some...

Opinion Editorials

So you are on twitter, what next? It’s funny how things work sometimes…. Ashton Kutcher and Oprah get Twitter accounts and the world turns...


Life can be so cynical – right after I wrote 10 Don’ts of Social Media I went through an extremely uncomfortable yet gratifying experience...

Business Marketing

“Dear Ginny, WTH?” which is like a “Dear Abby” column for real estate objections. If you have a tough client or a marketing problem,...

Business Marketing

Webinars are a powerful lead generation, follow up and customer retention tool, if properly produced and managed.  But, you must have a diversified strategy...

How to

Last week I had my first opportunity to meet some of my online friends at REBarCamp Los Angeles.   In addition to the wonderful connections...

Business Marketing

Trying to go viral but not gaining traction with your real estate content? Chances are you’re doing something wrong. Here are a few areas...

Opinion Editorials

I found some amazing information when I recently prepared a class for the Women’s Council of REALTORS on marketing online for women. I wanted...

Business Marketing

Friends Are Good Does simply saying I’m your “Friend” make me your “Friend”? Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “What you do speaks so loudly that I...


Please welcome our newest writer and 2008 Commenter of the Year at Agent Genius as voted by the writers, Bob Wilson of San Diego....

Opinion Editorials

Homeowners Insurance Explained Check out the video above with an illustrated explanation of homeowner’s insurance along with tips and tricks. They even remember to...

Green Live & Work

I don’t care what industry you are in or what you do for a living, knowing when and how to say “NO” is one...


Don’t freak out…. but be aware that we are responsible for what goes on our blogs.  We are not journalists, we are not professional...


Daniel Rothamel, Inman Community Manager responds to my post. I can’t ever think of a time that Brad, personally, or the Inman organization, have...

Business Marketing

Creating Killer Videos “Of course you’d tell me that, you want my business.” Yup, our efforts at creating credibility can only take us so...

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