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Search results for "entrepreneur"

businesses businesses

Business News

Businesses can succeed for any infinite number of reasons, but the pitfalls leading to failure are much more common and easy to spot. Be...

market disruption market disruption

Business Entrepreneur

The term "disruption" remains popular in business schools and startups nationwide, but has there really been a shift, or is the risk/reward system different...

keysduplicated keysduplicated

Tech News

A new startup allows you to snap a photo of a key and get a copy of it - is this a genius concept...

crowdfunding crowdfunding

Business Finance

Crowdfunding sites were handed a huge win today in the form of the SEC lifting an 80 year old ban that restricted businesses from...

walmart walmart

Business News

Walmart is holding its second annual crowdsourcing contest to find the best new product to offer customers.

Muslim China Muslim China

Business News

Islam, with its long history in China, is now gaining more attention than ever. It is important for brands doing business abroad or traveling...

kabbage kabbage

Business Finance

Kabbage and other alternative lending sources have become more common and are on their way to becoming entrepreneurs' first stop instead of a last...

cheap flights cheap flights

Business Finance

We all know the basic ways to save money when traveling on business or vacation, but's CEO tells us less common tricks for...

career pivot career pivot

Business Entrepreneur

It is not uncommon to have a career pivot, and while the path may vary, almost every business leader shifts focus at some point...

Chinese laws Chinese laws

Business Entrepreneur

As the world becomes smaller, more and more organizations are springing up with offers to help bridge the gap between East and West, and...

change the world change the world

Opinion Editorials

As we tell our future generation how to change the world, we can rekindle the passion of our own inner dreamers, the guy or...

eb-5 program dollar eb-5 program dollar

Business News

While the US government has renewed its fervor for the EB-5 program, it may be harder than you think to secure these funds from...

bitangels bitangels

Business Finance

BitAngels has launched with a fascinating blend of virtual and offline business as the investing world begins to take digital currencies seriously.

Business Finance

Crowdfunding has come a long way and attracted big attention, and it is becoming a mainstream finance option after finding its sea legs.

Business Marketing

PicMonkey, now widely used as a replacement for the now dead Picnik photo editor, has added new fonts to make your marketing even better.

crowdfunding crowdfunding

Business Finance

CrowdIt launches this week and while the crowdfunding site is still rough around the edges, the idea is to connect idea people with money...

stress stress

Business News

How do you deal with someone who goes over your head? You try to be the bigger, calmer person and here are tips on...

bitcoin bitcoin

Business Finance

Bitcoin and other digital currencies are increasingly more common, so what impact will digital funds have on digital fundraising?

bronko box bronko box

Business News

Rather than walk away from the annoying aftermath of moving, one couple was stuck on the idea that they could actually fix the pain...

sbir/sttr summit sbir/sttr summit

Business Finance

This June, one summit brings cash and connections to business innovators in an effort to create business successes.

jetlag jetlag

Business News

Jetlag can be disabling, but to make your next business trip efficient, even when just hopping to the opposite coast, take into account these...

irs irs

Business News

The recent IRS scandals bring to life the human behavior that happens within the government, but also at companies of all sizes. Preparation for...

wunwun wunwun

Business News

Instant gratification is the name of the game these days, but if you're making the cake, how do you get it delivered without hiring...

pitch perfect pitch perfect

Tech Gadgets

Count Me In is now offering an app to help prep for the dreaded two-minute business pitch. The Small Business Perfect Pitch app helps...

live worldly live worldly

Business News

Live Worldly is a global marketplace for trendy fashion accessories that give a portion of the proceeds back to a non-profit in the country...

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