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A small crowd around a military person holding up an American flag in a ceremonial fashion. A small crowd around a military person holding up an American flag in a ceremonial fashion.

Business News

This plastics company denied a promotion to a deserving employee due to upcoming military service - here's what to learn from this misstep.

A younger man in healthcare work deserving of fair wages supporting an elderly Black man with his arms stretched out to either side. A younger man in healthcare work deserving of fair wages supporting an elderly Black man with his arms stretched out to either side.

Business News

Following an investigation into lost payment for health workers, the Department of Labor is reinforcing fair wages for health care staff.

A security guard in all black wearing a body camera and calling after a delinquent running away out of frame. A security guard in all black wearing a body camera and calling after a delinquent running away out of frame.

Business News

Shoplifting has become such a concern that body cameras are going to become standard for security in some of your favorite retailers.

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