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Search results for "tips"

networking challenges networking challenges

Business Articles

No matter your city or industry, there are common networking challenges that can be overcome to help you improve your networking skills and boost...

business meeting business meeting

Business Entrepreneur

When it comes time to sell your business, no matter your motivation, you may not be ready to leave, so prepare appropriately, and you...

tech trends tech trends

Tech News

You may have a grasp on what the top tech trends are, but do you know what to do with them in your business?...

google glass google glass

Tech Gadgets

Google Glass is about to go mainstream, and there are hidden advantages of what is more than just a novel tool.

coeverywhere coeverywhere

Social Media

CO Everywhere has launched to bring hyper-local data to your fingertips in an extremely relevant way, pivoting from their year as BlockAvenue. Founder Tony...

trust trust

Business Entrepreneur

Learning to trust your co-workers is more about yourself than it is about them - here are three ways to build that trust.

wifi wifi

Housing News

Will Pangea Properties' free wi-fi program catch on? What should residents and property managers know before rolling this out as an amenity?

bullet journal bullet journal

Business News

Bullet Journal is a quick system for organizing and staying on task and productive, but it isn't an iPad app, it's done with nothing...

facebook digital marketing buffer managers facebook digital marketing buffer managers

Social Media

By now, it is old news that you should blog or be on Twitter, but now that you're online and have an intermediate level...

fitness fitness

Business Entrepreneur

Small businesses can benefit from incorporating fitness into the work schedule of employees, and it doesn’t have to cost a dime.

fired fired

Public Relations

After a large food truck order resulted in a $0 tip, the worker took to the internet to call out the company that failed...

social media social media

Social Media

By now, it is old news that you should blog or be on Twitter, but now that you're online and have an intermediate level...

short sales agent short sales agent

Housing News

As the market improves, short sale trends shift, so preparing for the changing tide is important for the survival of agents and the well-being...

quicksurveys quicksurveys

Business Marketing

Toluna QuickSurveys gives you tons of free features and a panel of over 4 million users to poll with a pay as you go...

china china

Business News

When planning your entry into the Chinese market, it’s important to understand the cultural milieu in China that is the “Chinese-market.”

phishing phishing

Tech News

After watching a pretty terrifying video on how easy it is to be the victim of identity theft, we wondered if it was accurate....

spending money at target spending money at target

Business News

A new lawsuit against Target alleges some pretty heinous racial discrimination and even a memo meant to educate that notes not all Mexicans eat...

commercial real estate site bounce rate commercial real estate site bounce rate

Business Marketing

Commercial real estate site bounce rates vary depending on what part of a site a visitor is perusing, according to a new study by...

travel productivity travel productivity

Business News

International relocation sounds like a great idea on the surface, but many employees are unprepared for their assignment, so knowing the trends of the...

iphone iphone

Real Estate

Flash mobs used to be synonymous with dancing hipsters, but now thugs are organizing via social networks to form dangerous flash mobs. Safeguard yourself...

fake facebook spam fake facebook spam

Social Media

Sometimes it's obvious that someone is trying to join your group or friend you to spam, but these days, spammers are tricky, so here...

no kids allowed no kids allowed

Business News

Banning kids in a restaurant seems controversial, yet, sales prove otherwise. Perhaps it isn't as monstrous of an idea as some have made it...

Chinese laws Chinese laws

Business Entrepreneur

As the world becomes smaller, more and more organizations are springing up with offers to help bridge the gap between East and West, and...

stress stress

Housing News

Dealing with big box mortgage lenders in any capacity can be frustrating, but armed with these four tips, you'll improve your chances of seeing...

google now google now

Tech News

Google Now is like a psychic personal assistant, and throw in voice control and you've got a powerful tool at your fingertips. The only...

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