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Search results for "instagram"

facebook meme maker whale facebook meme maker whale

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Facebook has a whole new team to create new apps to keep up with the likes of Tik-Tok and instagram, but who...

Google Cache Google Cache

Business Finance

(TECH NEWS) Googles "cache" is their new banking venture, but should you be worried that the big tech company has all of your search...

bullet journal bullet journal

Opinion Editorials

(EDITORIAL) I'm a big fan of the Bullet Journal method, but sticker-loving tweens have hijacked the movement. Worry not, I'm still using black and...

men shopping millennial retail men shopping millennial retail

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Tech hacks or Jedi mind tricks? How retailers are getting sneaky about collecting your data, and how you can prevent it.

biohacking tea biohacking tea

Business News

(NEWS) Biohacking is finding ways to gain a competitive advantage, while excluding the medical world. It's great to increase your output, but be cautious...

linkedin linkedin

Business Marketing

(MARKETING) LinkedIn may feel like a grandparent's wonderland, but it still yields power for your company, and the secret sauce is in the LinkedIn...

time tracking tools time tracking tools

Business News

(PRODUCTIVITY) We're all obsessed with squeezing more out of each day, but what if we used one of these time tracking tools to inject...

purchase snap snapchat advertising purchase snap snapchat advertising

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Snapchat opens some interesting doors after keeping the padlocked for years - will this new strategy solidify their status as a digital...

facebook facebook

Business Entrepreneur

(ENTREPRENEURIALISM) It can be lonely not being able to openly ask potentially embarrassing questions about your business - there's a way to do it...

jumbo privacy app screenshot jumbo privacy app screenshot

Tech News

(TECHNOLOGY) Although iOS only (for now), Jumbo has launched and could put a dent in some of the nefariousness of social media networks...

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Juul is a tiny vape stick that is popular among teens, a population the company is allegedly marketing directly to, grooming a...

hustling hustling

Opinion Editorials

(EDITORIAL) If you aren't hustling on the side, at night, while you eat, and in your sleep, are you really even a person in...

broadband adoption broadband adoption

Social Media

(MEDIA) Should social media platforms be allowed to continue to regulate themselves or should governments continue to step in? Is it an urgency, or...

yoga yoga

Business Marketing

(MARKETING) Here's an interesting case study in how yoga, a 5,000+ year industry is using modern technology.

sxsw sxsw

Business News

“You won’t find a job this year at SXSW,” said Sarim. “The jobs will find you – that’s just the nature of the festival...

social media is lonely social media is lonely

Tech News

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Social media has the power to connect people from all over the globe. Yet, there is an unprecedented amount of lonely people...

Getting no bias breaking news media. Getting no bias breaking news media.

Social Media

(MEDIA) Social media companies don't want to be called "media" because the rules are different - let's define the differences between tech and media.

shopable shopable

Business Marketing

(MARKETING) Creating images and sliders for your site with this simple took could work wonders for your sales.

social media digital marketing social media digital marketing

Tech News

(SOCIAL MEDIA) As a new year rapidly approaches, these are the trends we see social media capitalizing on.

dolce gabbana dolce gabbana

Business Marketing

(MARKETING) Dolce & Gabbana stepped in it, and are apologizing, but many aren't in the mood to accept their words.

palm baby phone palm baby phone

Tech News

(TECHNOLOGY) Nokia’s new Palm mini-phone release encourages endless Honey I Shrunk the Phone jokes.

yeti yeti

Business Marketing

YETI has built a cult following for their 300 dollar cooler. Confused? Don’t be. This story isn’t rocket science; just good old fashioned product...

apps looking uniform apps looking uniform

Tech News

(TECHNOLOGY) As apps evolve, they are beginning to look uniform - is this a good or bad thing?

comparing yourself to others comparing yourself to others

Business News

(BUSINESS) If you spend 30 seconds on Instagram, you'll feel like someone's life is better than yours. But you must stop comparing yourself to...

what to do if you've been doxed what to do if you've been doxed

Tech News

(TECHNOLOGY) Doxing is an attack that used to be primarily done in hacker and gamer circles, but is now spilling over to victimize people...

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