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Search results for "instagram"

covid-19 work remotely covid-19 work remotely

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Moderating speech online is a slippery slope, and Reddit's CEO argues that it's impossible. Here's why censorship of hate speech is still...

internet activities internet activities

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Be it Snapchat, Netflix, or text messaging, all use is on the rise - let's dig into the newest stats on usage!

fullcontact fullcontact

Tech News

FullContact is a tool that wants to put your address book to work for you, and for power users, it's a must.

mobile apps, android tablets mobile apps, android tablets

Business Marketing

(MARKETING) Getting your message heard in this noisy world isn't impossible, it just takes some purposeful habits on your part.

smartphone addiction smartphone addiction

Tech News

(TECHNOLOGY) Smartphone addiction is increasingly common, and it's not just manners that we worry about, it's the physical impact and erosion of social norms...

strava fitness app strava fitness app

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Uh oh, a fitness app is revealing secret military base locations to the public and it’s giving the government a migraine.

facebook collaborative stories facebook collaborative stories

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Facebook now allows Groups and Events to craft collaborative stories - here's what you need to know.

snapchat 3d filters snapchat 3d filters

Business Marketing

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Marketers are jumping on the bandwagon, giving Snapchat more and more money - but what little feature rakes in so much cash!?

ding sound site visitor ding sound site visitor

Tech News

(TECHNOLOGY) This tool provides motivation for new websites by ding-donging every time a new visitor stops by! Talk about a dopamine rush!!

online sales online sales

Business Marketing

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Which of the many social media networks will rule as the top social network marketing platform in 2018?

selfie selfie

Tech News

(SOCIAL MEDIA) A new study reveals the sad number of selfie-related deaths, and one nation is taking action in response.

cannabis marijuana weed smoking cannabis marijuana weed smoking

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) In light of a growing consumer demand and more states decriminalizing and legalizing, “Big Booze” casts sights on burgeoning marijuana market.

smartphone addiction smartphone addiction

Tech News

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Addiction to our screens is now accepted, and while younger generations are glued more tightly to them, many people are finding ways...

friday friday

Opinion Editorials

(OPINION EDITORIAL) The end of the week is here which means it's Friday which means I've collected my five favorite things to come across...

food delivery facebook food delivery facebook

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Facebook seems to be sprawling into every nook and cranny of life and now, they're infiltrating food delivery.

tina kardashian influencers popeyes tina kardashian influencers popeyes

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) The Kardashians are just five of the seemingly endless amounts of influencers companies are using for marketing but is over their...

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) Advertisers were once enamored with Facebook, but recently, they have started shifting gears to platforms a bit more consumer-centric.

video instagram pods archive marketing video instagram pods archive marketing

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) Video engagement on Instagram is surging. This growth in engagement makes it a perfect time to get your brand on board.

bonfire facebook bonfire facebook

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Facebook secretly launched a group chat app that they secretly copied from a super small company. Lots of secrets.

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Business Marketing

(BUSINESS MARKETING) The FTC is tired of issuing warnings about influencer marketing and being ignored so now, they're going straight to the source.

planner planner

Opinion Editorials

(OPINION EDITORIAL) Hand-written calendar planning has become something of an art form over the last few years. The American Genius spoke with a planner...

watch watch

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Facebook has unleashed its new Watch feature to all of its users and it might actually have a leg to stand on.

favorite favorite

Tech News

FRIDAY FAVORITES Friday, or as most of my millennial co-horts and on-trend stores have dubbed it, Fri-YAY. As in Yay, it’s the weekend!! But...

apps screens tech media computer laptop apps screens tech media computer laptop

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Apple is under intense scrutiny after removing several of the most popular Iranian apps from the App Store.

facebook digital marketing buffer managers facebook digital marketing buffer managers

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) No surprises were had when eMarketer released the newest data saying that teens aren't enamored with Facebook. How then, do you capture...

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