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Opinion Editorials

(BUSINESS NEWS) VSCO Cam's rise in popularity has been historically steady, with 30 million users to date, but has recently hit a speed bump...

linkedin list linkedin list

Business News

While the world remains impressed at Facebook's strategy of shelling out a billion for Instagram and other similar tools to strengthen their own, Microsoft...

beatsnap beatsnap

Business Marketing

Beatsnap is a new app, now available in beta, that makes it incredibly easy to make a super polished slideshow, using your own photographs...

UX writing UX writing

Social Media

Yahoo! used to be king of the hill, but innovation from smaller startups and a failure to adjust led to its downfall. Can the...

Social Media

Tang is the geographic-specific alternative to Snapchat, but is nowhere near a replacement for Snapchat. They're doing their own thing.

Business News

The collection is titled “The Lion’s Heart” for the bold colors and brave patterns. Garments are not separated or color-coded by gender, and models...

Tech News

Microsoft has caught onto the IFTTT trend, creating its own service called Flow that helps you “create automated workflows between your favorite apps and...

Opinion Editorials

Science says that if you draw, rather than write, items on your to do list, you are much more likely to remember them later.

Social Media

Social media giants are really good at attracting users, but who is actually keeping eyeballs and increasing in engagement? The answer might surprise you.

influencer marketing millennial woman influencer marketing millennial woman

Business Marketing

In this day and age, grassroots level street cred carries a lot of weight.

Opinion Editorials

Facebook is being looked at for allegations of censoring content for political reasons, which leads us to question the power they have when the...

twitter twitter

Social Media

Twitter is a tough social media to dominate, but if you like robots and everything robots, there's a new startup that wants to help...

angry fight boxing marketing angry fight boxing marketing

Social Media

It’s one thing to express dissatisfaction, another altogether when the tirade goes viral.

growth hacking growth hacking

Social Media

Facebook is most always finding new enhancements to add to it’s already extremely popular website and has found yet another way to separate itself...

figment vr figment vr

Tech News

With virtual reality (VR) set to explode in a big way soon, Figment VR is a tool marketers should know about before moving forward.

google plus google plus

Business Marketing

Google+ is often joked about as a ghost town, but new data says otherwise. Time to reconsider your social strategy.

Business Marketing

Emojis have taken over the marketing world, with an array of brands using them to resonate with their audiences by using the language consumers...

Social Media

For a good chunk of change, Facebook acquired Masquerade, but it isn't just for the neat features. Here's the real reason.

Social Media

Smart Moderation is an artificial intelligence tool that understands the context of spammers' posts, saving your brand's reputation automatically.

square nfc reader square nfc reader

Business Finance

Facebook and Square just got busy, and it might be the best thing that to ever happen to marketing on social media.

localeur localeur

Social Media

It’s a no-brainer that if you want to find the best places to eat, drink and socialize you should be tapping into a city’s...

Business Marketing

In marketing, as well as many other aspects of life, first impressions are everything. Google has an extensive repository of data relating to ZMOT....

Opinion Editorials

“Most Recent” on Facebook and “Live” on Twitter are the first things I click when I login to my social media accounts, yet my...

Social Media

Every marketer knows to tailor your ads to an audience, but Universal's methods are being questioned. Pay attention so you know the rules of...

Business Marketing

Bloggers required to reveal biz partnerships This past week, Google advised bloggers to disclose relationships when they were talking about products in exchange for...

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