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During a short sale, there may be various obstacles, with misaligned property values ranking near the top, but it doesn't have to be a...

short sales standoff short sales standoff


The short sale process can feel a lot like a wild west standoff, but there are ways to come out victorious, so let's talk...

short sales short sales


Short sale approval letters may look like they've been obtained simply by experts, but it takes time and doesn't just happen with luck.


How in the world did I get here? I am loving the world of blogging. I walk down the street and think of a...

Business Marketing

Add Something Else to the Calendar! My schedule is full. Like many people, I’m not sure how to fit anything else into my life,...

Business Marketing

Do You Know Ze’ Monkey? Are you familiar with The 100th Monkey Effect?  The notion that you and I, yours, mine and humankind, we are...

How to

Stop and go. Stop and go. As I traveled down the 410 on my way home tonight, I got to thinking about the traffic....


He sent me a long, detailed email explaining his situation, naming names, giving financial information about all parties - keep in mind these are...

Business Marketing

I made my first cold call. Seriously, after 14 years of being a Realtor I made my first cold call.  Last Thursday and Friday...

Business Marketing

Arousal We have a new President, his name is Barrack Obama – Hope, Change and “Yes We Will” whisper sweet possibilities and hot prospects....


Call me an idealist.  I’ll give you a second, make sure you say it loud enough I can hear you… Okay, the economy sucks. ...

How to

Photo Credit Offers of Success My inbox is full of offers for education about ways to make more money as a real estate agent. Apparently,...


Solid The word foundation has been swimming around in my head for days. Houses need them and so does a real estate business –...

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