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The American GeniusThe American Genius
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During a short sale, there may be various obstacles, with misaligned property values ranking near the top, but it doesn't have to be a...

short sales standoff short sales standoff


The short sale process can feel a lot like a wild west standoff, but there are ways to come out victorious, so let's talk...

short sales short sales


Short sale approval letters may look like they've been obtained simply by experts, but it takes time and doesn't just happen with luck.

Business Marketing

What is your Marketing Niche? I’ve been making some enhancements to a few of my websites in the last week. As part of my...


One of the realities of life is impermanence. And yet, people act as if their current state of circumstances will never change, when of...

Social Media

There are a lot of aggregators out there for Twitter.  I’ve tried many of them and found that TweetDeck is my favorite.    (I also...

Housing News

You do probably.. In an arena that is mainly agent centric, let me take an unpopular position – most real estate agents actually benefit...

How to

My life is a series of failures. I’ve failed at quite a few things in my life. More than I probably care to admit....


Look for Networking Opportunities Networking happens in many different situations. Not only should you network with other people in the same line of business...

Business Marketing

It’s unbelievable to think that we placed 3 properties in escrow this week by being obnoxious.  Yes you read right, OBNOXIOUS!  You know those...

Business Marketing

Automation is simply the use of control systems I use drip campaigns to staying in touch with my clients, stay in touch with my...

Business Marketing

Zappos, an online shoe store, seems to have turned the world upside down when it comes to customer service - free shipping both ways,...

How to

What is Important? Ever thought about what is important to the Generation Y gang? Do you think it matters? They are the future (and...

Business Marketing

 Perpetual Referrals Unfurled At first blush, what I’m sharing may smack cheezy.  Cheezy as in hairy-chested, gold-chain-infested, Hasselhoff-esque infomercial.  Hear me out.  Please.   If you...

How to

Wonder Why Lovers and Others Leave? Why prospects vanish?  Why calls go unreturned, emails go unanswered and text messages are ignored.  Why past clients...

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