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During a short sale, there may be various obstacles, with misaligned property values ranking near the top, but it doesn't have to be a...

short sales standoff short sales standoff


The short sale process can feel a lot like a wild west standoff, but there are ways to come out victorious, so let's talk...

short sales short sales


Short sale approval letters may look like they've been obtained simply by experts, but it takes time and doesn't just happen with luck.


This post started as a comment to Matthew Rathbun’s brilliant post.   At the end I decided to make it a post Truly a great...


Confessions I write a To Do list – on paper – everyday. I still have a Rolodex on my desk. I track listings, escrows,...

How to

This article is the first of several in series of SEO Tips. My goal is to provide you with short, easy to understand, nuggets...

How to

Time feels like it’s flying by. I’ve been working pretty hard lately and spending more time working than sleeping, eating, and relaxing combined. I’m...

Business Marketing

Be prepared, is one of the Boy Scouts mottos. Over the years it has been shortened to B.-P. In the Scouts it means being...


Sticks and stones. I’ve been seeing a lot of negative comments on websites lately. Maybe it’s because I’ve been doing a bit more research...

Housing News

Lead Generation Doesn’t Work Yea, you read me right, lead generation doesn’t work. Oh, it is not the leads or the whether you require...

Business Marketing

Last time I had a few minutes to come up for air, I posted on Agent Genius about Working IN your Business or Working...

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