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Search results for "robo"

Package delivery people holding deliveries. Refund instead of returns are common now. Package delivery people holding deliveries. Refund instead of returns are common now.

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Due to increased shipping costs, big companies like Amazon and Walmart are opting to give out a refund rather than accepting small...

Driverless car dashboard facing mountain road. Driverless car dashboard facing mountain road.

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Science fiction gets closer to becoming part of modern day as driverless delivery gets widely funded (pulled by big company names too!)

Semitrucks preparing for driverless delivery Semitrucks preparing for driverless delivery

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Walmart is test-driving driverless delivery for groceries sometime in 2021 as part of their push for zero emissions.

Exterior of Planet 13 building with red filter. Exterior of Planet 13 building with red filter.

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Larry Scheffler, the co-founder and co-CEO of Planet-13, shares his experience as his baby turns 2 years old.

Woman doing a job search on laptop in the hot job market. Woman doing a job search on laptop in the hot job market.

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) When it comes to job searching, many people are able to find jobs online, it’s getting the interview where people need help.

Manufacturing plant at night across the water with orange and red reflections. Manufacturing plant at night across the water with orange and red reflections.

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) As manufacturing jobs return to domestic shores, it's important to understand the challenges and needs that are encouraging jobs back to the...

Pilotless plane owned by Reliable Robotics taking off. Pilotless plane owned by Reliable Robotics taking off.

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Pilotless planes are no longer a thing of the past: Aviation startup, Reliable Robotics, already has passenger planes on the runway, and...

college students gather around laptop college students gather around laptop

Business Entrepreneur

[BUSINESS ENTREPRENEUR] Startups are given a unique opportunity to tap into this large pool of potential interns during this year.

twitter privacy twitter privacy

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Twitter releases private information affecting already hurting businesses, should this even be a surprise anymore? They have a history of privacy breaches.


Business Finance

(BUSINESS FINANCE) The HEROES act helps specifically unemployed, and those just returning to work, with assistance to get them back on their feet.

proprietary data analysis proprietary data analysis

Business Marketing

(BUSINESS MARKETING) We live in the information age, everything can be broken down into data and used to understand the world around us, but...

Folding@Home Folding@Home

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Your home computer can do more than just show you funny cat pictures or get you in trouble with family members, it...

broadband internet broadband internet

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Will this bill finally put broadband internet access into the communities that need it most? Rural communities are quickly falling behind.

video job interview with man in front of computer. video job interview with man in front of computer.

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) COVID-19 has sent shockwaves through the business world, and many are asking if they should even TRY to get a job right...

robot AI health care robot AI health care

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Instead of worrying about the singularity of AI technology, let's shine a ray of hope, and show one of the best ways...

vision fund loss vision fund loss

Business Finance

(BUSINESS FINANCE) Pizza making robots and cannabis start-ups are among the many non-tech companies losing venture capital because of Softbank's vision fund collapse.

manufacturers inspection manufacturers inspection

Business Marketing

(BUSINESS MARKETING) Big companies are in a bit of a bind currently with ongoing trade issues and environmental impact, so wouldn't local manufacturers be...

self-driving taxis from Toyota and self-driving taxis from Toyota and

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Toyota is getting one step closer to brining self-driving taxis to the public with a little help from their friends

sxsw sxsw

Opinion Editorials

(EDITORIAL) SXSW is a massive conference that draws an international crowd, but one mega-population won't attend amidst coronavirus fears. Time to cancel.

remote workcations remote workcations

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) If you work on public internet or are just looking to beef up your internet security VPNs could be your answer. Here...

Soma robotics anti shooting device Soma robotics anti shooting device

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Soma robotics has a new plan and new devices for protecting schools from the rising dangers. They have heard the thoughts and...

counter terrorism counter terrorism

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) With the growing amount of data on the internet, terrorism is an increasing problem that has forces big tech companies to counter

hologram Alfred hologram Alfred

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) We all love Siri, or maybe we don't, but what if you could see her? What if you could change how she...

networks hacker networks hacker

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) New networks technology means better speeds, and more data; But with more 1s and 0s flying around, there are more vulnerabilities that...

jobs in tech jobs in tech

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) LinkedIn releases the 2020 Emerging Jobs Reports which looks at trends and growth. A lot of changes are happening, especially in tech.

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