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Search results for "instagram"

spacex spacesuit spacex spacesuit

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Elon Musk's SpaceX recently unveiled their new space suit designed with the modern astronaut in mind.

instafraud instafraud

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Instagram seems to be prime real estate for the influencer market, but what about fraudulent influencers? Be aware that instafraud exists and...

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Business Marketing

(BUSINESS MARKETING) Facebook is changing algorithms and making influencer marketing a bit more expensive on the site.

lifestage lifestage

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Facebook quickly and quietly shutdown their highschoolers only app, Lifestage, as they learned highschoolers still aren't interested.

facebook onavo influencer on this day facebook onavo influencer on this day

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Have you ever wondered how Facebook seems to have the inside knowledge on just about everything? Let us introduce you to Onavo,...

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Opinion Editorials

(OPINION EDITORIAL) Smartphones are a staple in our daily lives, but we should be careful on how we spend our time with them.

anchor audio anchor audio

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) It is no secret that audio sharing is definitely behind for the times. But Anchor Videos has decided to change that and...

purchase snap snapchat advertising purchase snap snapchat advertising

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Snapchat's owners are notorious for telling big companies with wondering eyes no, but how long can they maintain their independence?

vsco video vsco video

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) VSCO has finally released a video editing feature to accompany its hugely popular photo editor.

Woman looking at Apple iPhone representing new iOS 15 beta that will blur nude photos. Woman looking at Apple iPhone representing new iOS 15 beta that will blur nude photos.

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) With an ever-evolving landscape of social media, here is a cheat sheet to put you on top of the social media game.

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Tech News

(TECHNOLOGY NEWS) Google Analytics is getting AI compatible which will help all of us non-analysts get data easier and quicker, huzzah!

indeed top 50 reporter news google indeed top 50 reporter news google

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Indeed's list of top 50 Fortune 500 companies isn't too obscure. However, the trends composing the list might throw you for a...

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Facebook has expanded their ad targeting in an effort to "get to know you a little better."

facial recognition facial recognition

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) What kind of practical uses would 3D biometric facial recognition have for the average consumer? Entertainment? Protection?

person on laptop typing an email person on laptop typing an email

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Google announces an end to email scanning in order to create targeted ads, but are you ad-targeting free?

peek peek

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Peek is the newest live-feed video social networking platform to hit the market, will it make a boom or bust like other...

gen z gen z

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) As Generation Z starts moving to the front of the consumers pack, businesses should know they're not like generations before them.

vc apple firing randrr work from home freelance remote vc apple firing randrr work from home freelance remote

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Apple has had a big year of announcements and we've still got six months left. Here's what they've announced so far.

iphone social media texting teen iphone social media texting teen

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Teens are not following their parents' footsteps when it comes to ads. Can you capitalize on the difference?

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Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Amazon tried, and epically failed, to launch a home shopping channel. Stick with what you know, Amazon.

skype skype

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) Skype has been completely revamped and might actually be able to rival social media giants like Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook,

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Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) With the increase of social media influencers in the digital world, ad agencies have the potential to become obsolete.

facebook security mental health facebook security mental health

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) A recent study shows the impacts that various social mediums play on adolescents and kids mental health. Not surprisingly, there are a...

video smart telemarketing mailcell fingerprint location facetagram video smart telemarketing mailcell fingerprint location facetagram

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Zuckerberg's latest innovation for his app comes as merging of inboxes so that you can get all of the notifications in one...

side hustles side hustles

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Buffer has created a browser extension that will help you tailor your social media posts to different platforms.

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