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Search results for "instagram"

WhatsApp WhatsApp

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) WhatsApp has launched a new feature that could be the secret ingredient for marketing your business globally.

zuckerberg manifesto zuckerberg manifesto

Opinion Editorials

(OP/ED) Mark Zuckerberg released his manifesto and while many sheeple are in awe, we are not entirely impressed.

google plus google plus

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) Google+ has added features to beef up the social platform - now might be the time to assess your presence there....

twitter vine app twitter vine app

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) If you’re confused as to whether Vine is shutting down, transitioning, or in the process of something else, you’re not alone....

snapchat snapchat

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA) Brands are hearing the call to sign up for Snapchat, but most are already dormant (aka failed). What is so different about...

photographerexcuses customer service photographerexcuses customer service

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Regardless of our profession, we’ve all got stock phrases we use to try to pacify a situation and offer some semblance of customer...

Al Franken official Al Franken official

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Franken wrote a letter to Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, urging him to upgrade the company's privacy policy to better protect users’ location...

instagram hashtags instagram hashtags

Tech News

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) Hashtags are a basic part of life now. And new insight reveals just how important they are for Instagram.

youtube trolls trolled youtube trolls trolled

Tech News

(MARKETING NEWS) Though common targets include young people and women under age 30, anyone can be a victim of cyber abuse or being trolled,...

smartphone app tech smartphone app tech

Opinion Editorials

(EDITORIAL) Every day, someone has a grand idea for the next big app. What is the real reason behind why we don’t see more...

reveal bot for social media reveal bot for social media

Business Marketing

(TECH NEWS) Mediocre puns aside, Reveal is a social media ad manager for Slack that you won’t want to miss out on.

pinterest business pinterest business

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) Pinterest is back in a big way, as the company offers customizable profiles for businesses. Ready to jump back in?

fake news ads fake news ads

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) The prevalence of fake news sites and whether these sources should be contained are one of the most recent controversies. So, how...

video video

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) With the ability to create short, visually-pleasing videos in just minutes, we’ll likely be seeing even more video content on our feeds...

holographic photos holographic photos

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Moving photos are officially a “thing,” and that means that even small startups are cropping up to compete with the big boys.

sxsw hq sxsw hq

Business News

(AUSTIN BUSINESS NEWS) SXSW is expanding their literal footprint, just as the Convention Center grows - Austin is no longer a little town, folks.

kenneth cole kenneth cole

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) Such a move to a nearly exclusive online platform should not be surprising for those who have followed the Kenneth Cole brand...

facebook flash app facebook flash app

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Facebook has yet again cloned Snapchat, but this time they may have a better reason than Snapchat envy...

ibm watson ibm watson

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) How could a powerful robot help sell more products, or even increase loyalty in existing customers?

gen z generation z millennials gen z generation z millennials

Business Marketing

(MARKETING NEWS) Spoiler alert: baby boomers aren’t using social media for marketing and are losing business.

Opinion Editorials

(OPINION EDITORIAL) After nearly 6 months of Bullet Journal usage, here’s what I’ve learned about myself and my professional life.

smartphone app tech smartphone app tech

Tech News

(TECH NEWS) Folks love their apps but are starting to get picky. How can you ensure yours is a success?

snaptrends snaptrends

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) The American Genius has uncovered that after Twitter pulled the plug on Snaptrends, so has Facebook and the brand is now quietly...

twitter social media posts content twitter twitter social media posts content twitter

Social Media

(SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS) With so many different social media platforms, it's hard to know what the best time and day to reach your followers...

slack facebook slack facebook

Business News

(BUSINESS NEWS) The newest threat to the current social media platform king could take their spot... but what if they were to team up...

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